
Previous Events

11.02.16 Felix Finster (Universität Regensburg)
Causal variational principles and conservation laws
21.01.16 Olaf Müller (Universität Regensburg)
Conformal techniques in Riemannian and Lorentzian geometry
01.12.15 Martin Kell (Universität Tübingen, Germany)
On Cheeger and Sobolev differentials in metric measure spaces
19.11.15 Nicolau Sarquis (Imperial College London, United Kingdom)
Non-compactness of the space of min-max minimal hyper-surfaces.
25.06.15 Markus Pflaum (University of Colorado at Boulder, USA)
Index theory over groupoids, inertia spaces and the cyclic homology theory of convolution algebras
16.10.14 José M. Gracia Bondía (Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain, & Universidad de Costa Rica)
The Klyachko paradigm in theoretical chemistry
21.08.14 Felix Finster (Universität Regensburg)
Topological fermion systems: Geometry and analysis on quantum spaces
24.07.14 Markus J. Pflaum (University of Colorado, Boulder, USA)
The formal solution space and formal integrability of non-linear PDE's
22.05.14 Benjamin Sharp (Imperial College London, United Kingdom)
Regularity for variational problems on Riemann surfaces
08.05.14 Nadine Große (Mathematisches Institut, Universität Leipzig)
The $L^p$-spectrum of the Dirac operator
14.11.13 Qing Liu (University Pittsburgh, USA)
A game-theoretic approach to mean curvature flow and related topics
23.10.13 Martin Kell (MPI MiS, Leipzig)
Interpolation inequalities and curvature condition via p-Wasserstein spaces
10.10.13 Enrico Valdinoci (Weierstrass Institut Berlin, Germany)
Phase separation and minimal surfaces, from local to nonlocal
02.10.13 Armin Schikorra (MPI MiS, Leipzig)
Lipschitz homotopy groups of Heisenberg groups