General information about the institute, such as our mission statement, organizational structure, staff directory, history, directions, etc.
Scientific profile with all research groups, topics, collaborations, as well as columns on research at the institute.
News and press releases about the institute, as well as a media archive.
Overview of all events around the institute, such as talks, seminars, lectures, workshops, conferences and public events.
Overview of all scientific publications of the institute, as well as our preprint and software repositories.
Information on open positions at the institute, benefits of working with us, graduate school, and postdoctoral supervision.
PIMS-IFDS-NSF Summer School on Optimal Transport
Center for Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence (CMAI) Colloquium
Institute Colloquium
Séminaire EDP-Analyse
Asia-Pacific Analysis and PDE Seminar 2020
One World PDE Seminar 2020
Analysis Seminar
PDE/Probability Interactions 2019
Optimal Transportation and Applications 2018
Geometric Methods in Optimization and Sampling Program 2021
Seminar In the Analysis and Methods of PDE 2020
International School on Extrinsic Curvature Flows 2018
A Mathematical Tribute to Ennio De Giorgi
ESI Medal Award Ceremony 2022 (Symposium)
Probability and Mathematical physics 2022
Algebraic and Combinatorial perspectives in the Mathematical sciences
Pathwise Stochastic Analysis and Applications
Summer School in Analysis and PDEs
Hausdorff Junior Trimester Program: Randomness, PDEs
Renormalisation in quantum field theory and in stochastic partial differential equations: a gentle introduction and some recent developments
Current challenges in complex materials: modelling and analysis Workshop
Mathematical and Computational Materials Science 2021
Huawei-IHES Workshop on Mathematical Theories for Information and Communication Technologies
Panorama of Mathematics
Stochastic Processes and their Applications 2014
Gergen Lectures
BMS Friday lecture
Mathematics at the Interface of Partial Differential Equations, the Calculus of Variations, and Materials Science
NSF PIRE Summer School for Graduate Students: New frontiers in multiscale analysis and computing for materials