We have decided to discontinue the publication of preprints on our preprint server as of 1 March 2024. The publication culture within mathematics has changed so much due to the rise of repositories such as ArXiV (www.arxiv.org) that we are encouraging all institute members to make their preprints available there. An institute's repository in its previous form is, therefore, unnecessary. The preprints published to date will remain available here, but we will not add any new preprints here.
MiS Preprint
Superstring BRST cohomology
Friedemann Brandt, Alexander Kling and Maximilian Kreuzer
We first derive all world-sheet action functionals for NSR superstring models with local (1,1) supersymmetry and any number of abelian gauge fields. The result includes the well-known superstring action in a general background, as well as locally supersymmetric D-string actions of Born-Infeld type. Then we prove for these models that the BRST cohomology groups Hg(s), g < 4 are isomorphic to those of the corresponding bosonic string models, whose cohomology is fully known. This implies that the nontrivial global symmetries, Noether currents, backgroundcharges, consistent deformations and candidate gauge anomalies of an NSR (1,1) superstring model are in one-to-one correspondence to their bosonic counterparts.