

Approximation theory of tree tensor networks

  • Anthony Nouy (EC Nantes)
E1 05 (Leibniz-Saal)


Tree Tensor networks (TTNs) are prominent model classes for the approximation of high-dimensional functions in computational and data science. After an introduction to approximation tools based on tensorization of functions and TTNs, we introduce their approximation classes and present some recent results on their properties.

In particular, we show that classical smoothness (Besov) spaces are continuously embedded in TTNs approximation classes. For such spaces, TNs achieve (near to) optimal rate that is usually achieved by classical approximation tools, but without requiring to adapt the tool to the regularity of the function. The use of deep networks is shown to be essential for obtaining this property. Also, it is shown that exploiting sparsity of tensors allows to obtain optimal rates achieved by classical nonlinear approximation tools, or to better exploit structured smoothness (anisotropic or mixed) for multivariate approximation.

We also show that approximation classes of tensor networks are not contained in any Besov space, unless one restricts the depth of the tensor network. That reveals again the importance of depth and the potential of tensor networks to achieve approximation or learning tasks for functions beyond standard regularity classes.

Katja Heid

Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig Contact via Mail

Peter Benner

Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, Magdeburg

Lars Grasedyck

RWTH Aachen

André Uschmajew

Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig