IMPRS-Ringvorlesung: Summer semester 2021
- Paul Breiding
- Jürgen Vollmer
- Eckehard Olbrich
About this lecture
Due to the rather broad spectrum of topics within the IMPRS, the curriculum consists of a core curriculum to be attended by all students and a variety of more specialized lectures and courses. The heart of our teaching program certainly is the Ringvorlesung. Each semester the Ringvorlesung focuses on one field and is usually delivered by scientific members of the IMPRS who introduce different approaches and visions within this field.
- Paul Breiding: Condition Numbers and Geometry
- Content: Numerical data rarely is given exact, but usually comes with errors due to noise, measurement errors or errors caused by prior calculations. Consequently, algorithms which take such data as input can't produce correct answers. In this course we will learn about the concept of condition numbers and how it helps to understand how much the solution of a computational problem is changed, if the input data is perturbed. We will discuss how condition numbers are related to the geometry of the underlying problem. The concepts of average and smoothed analysis will be introduced.
- References: Condition: the geometry of numerical algorithms by Bürgisser and Cucker (Springer, 2013)
- Jürgen Vollmer: Stochastic Thermodynamics
- Eckehard Olbrich: Time Series Analysis
Date and time info
Tuesdays: 10.15 - 11.45
IMPRS students (mandatory in their first year), Phd students, postdocs