

Isometric actions on the projective planes and embedded generators of homotopy groups

  • Thomas Püttmann (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Fakultät für Mathematik, Germany)
A3 01 (Sophus-Lie room)


We present minimal harmonic embeddings of the sphere $\mathbb{S}^5$ into the quaternionic projective plane $\mathbb{HP}^2$ and of the sphere $\mathbb{S}^{11}$ into the octonionic projective plane 𝕆ℙ2 that represent generators of the homotopy groups π5(ℍℙ2) ≈ ℤ2 and π11(𝕆ℙ2) ≈ ℤ24, respectively. The embeddings parametrize singular orbits of isometric cohomogeneity one actions. In the case of the complex projective plane the analogous singular orbit is the quadric $z^{2}_{1} + z^{2}_{2} + z^{2}_{3}$ which represents twice a generator of π2(𝕆ℙ2). The opposite singular orbits in the three cases are the totally geodesic submanifolds ℝℙ2 ⊂ 𝕆ℙ2, 𝕆ℙ2 ⊂ ℍℙ2, and ℍℙ2 ⊂ 𝕆ℙ2, respectively. The related Hopf fibrations 𝕊2 → ℝℙ2, 𝕊5 → 𝕆ℙ2, and 𝕊11 → ℍℙ2 are realized in the projective planes by intersections of the singular orbits with projective lines. We also show that the above mentioned orbits together with the projective lines provide all orbits that are diffeomorphic to spheres and represent non-trivial elements in the corresponding homotopy groups.(joint work with A. Rigas, Campinas)