

Minimal Models in Persistent Rational Homotopy

  • Kelly Maggs (EPFL)
E2 10 (Leon-Lichtenstein)


We generalize the theory of $k$-minimal models in rational homotopy theory to the context of persistence. Our main motivation is the computation of barcode decompositions of rational homotopy groups of a space. We give an explicit construction of minimal models of maps between commutative differential-graded algebras, which we then use to construct minimal models of tame persistent CDGAs. We then build a model structure on persistent CDGAs for which these minimal models become cell complexes. Applications of our results include an explicit construction of Postnikov towers for copersistent spaces and a decomposition of copersistent Postnikov invariants.

This is joint work with Kathryn Hess and Samuel Lavenir.

Antje Vandenberg

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