

On the scaling limit of the Ising anyon chain

  • Alexander Stottmeister (Leibniz Universität Hannover)
Live Stream


In this talk I will present a Hamiltonian approach to the scaling limit of the Ising anyon chain, a 1+1-dimensional instance of the classical 2-dimensional Ising model. The scaling limit is constructed using an operator algebraic formulation of the Wilson-Kadanoff renormalization group. At criticality, conformal symmetry is recovered by showing the convergence of the Koo-Saleur formula, approximating the Virasoro generators. If time permits, I will comment on applications to the quantum simulation of conformal field theories.

This is joint work with Tobias J. Osborne and Daniela Cadamuro, and based on previous work with Vincenzo Morinelli, Gerardo Morsella and Yoh Tanimoto.

7/9/20 3/9/23

Webinar Analysis, Quantum Fields & Probability

MPI for Mathematics in the Sciences Live Stream

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