Sub-Riemannian geometry, most probable paths and transformations
- Erlend Grong (University of Bergen)
Doing statistics on a Riemannian manifold becomes very complicated for the reason that we lack pluss to define such things as mean and variance. Using the Riemannian distance, we can define a mean know as the Fréchet mean, but this gives no concept of asymmetry, also known as anisotropy. We introduce an alternative definition of mean called the diffusion mean, which is able to both give a mean and the analogue of a covariance matrix for a dataset on a Riemannian manifolds.
Surprisingly, computing this mean and covariance is related to sub-Riemannian geometry. We describe how sub-Riemannian geometry can be applied in this setting, and mention some finite dimensional and infinite-dimensional applications.
The results are part of joint work with Stefan Sommer (Copenhagen, Denmark)