

Symmetries in (perturbative) algebraic quantum field theory

  • Kasia Rejzner (University of York)
Live Stream


In this talk I will review recent progress on describing symmetries and renormalisation using the C*-algebraic framework proposed by Buchholz and Fredenhagen in their paper from 2019. The recent progress involves the formulation of renormalisation group and the anomalous unitary quantum Noether theorem. This is based on a join paper with Brunetti, Duetsch and Fredenhagen.

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Webinar Analysis, Quantum Fields & Probability

MPI for Mathematics in the Sciences Live Stream

Jochen Zahn

Leipzig University Contact via Mail

Roland Bauerschmidt

University of Cambridge

Stefan Hollands

Leipzig University & MPI MiS Leipzig

Christoph Kopper

Ecole Polytechnique Paris

Antti Kupiainen

University of Helsinki

Felix Otto

MPI for Mathematics in the Sciences Contact via Mail

Manfred Salmhofer

Heidelberg University