Random Perturbations and Statistical Properties of Dynamical Systems
The essence of Dynamical Systems is to mathematically understand general laws governing processes undergoing transformations on time. Amongst its main concerns, one wants to decide whether an asymptotic behaviour of the dynamics is robust under small random fluctuations, or random perturbations. It represents a natural point of view since observations of phenomena in nature are always subjected to small fluctuations. Although the interest in random perturbation of dynamical systems goes back to Kolmogorov, its systematic study is relatively recent. The methods used to tackle such problems demand and stimulate a rich exchange between different mathematical areas such as Probability, Analysis, Geometry, etc.
The aim of the workshop is to bring together experts working on different aspects related to random perturbations and statistical properties of dynamical systems, as well as young researchers and PhD students interested in the area.
All the speakers are supposed to motivate their talks and embed them into a broad context, in order to make them accessible also to non-specialists. In addition, there will be a few survey lectures on recent advances and techniques used to describe from a statistical point of view randomly perturbed dynamics, and a few contributed talks by young researchers.
The topics of the conference include:
- random perturbations and physical measures of dynamical systems;
- large deviations and concentration inequalities;
- stochastic aspects of bifurcations;
- statistical and stochastic stability.