Published 08.10.2024
Hi, I am Stefan Schiffer and since 2022 I am a postdoc in the Applied Analysis group at MPI MiS. Before that, I studied and did my PhD at the University of Bonn.
I started out my research with considering more classical questions in the Calculus of Variations, especially connected to (A-)quasiconvexity. Over the time, however, I somehow got sucked into the 'dark side', i.e. regularity theory for minima of variational problems. Apart from that, I am also interested in some questions connected to fluid mechanics.
Leaving my research part aside, probably my most important job at the MPI is to organize the group lunch, so that I am usually addressed as 'Chief Lunch Organiser' (CLO). ;-)
In my free time, I enjoy swimming, hiking and running. Moreover, I enjoy playing board games of all types, but mostly on the more strategic side. That said, I also play for a team of a local chess club (SG Leipzig).