General information about the institute, such as our mission statement, organizational structure, staff directory, history, directions, etc.
Scientific profile with all research groups, topics, collaborations, as well as columns on research at the institute.
News and press releases about the institute, as well as a media archive.
Overview of all events around the institute, such as talks, seminars, lectures, workshops, conferences and public events.
Overview of all scientific publications of the institute, as well as our preprint and software repositories.
Information on open positions at the institute, benefits of working with us, graduate school, and postdoctoral supervision.
Published Nov 13, 2023
Following our Chow Lecture series, graduate students, Laura Casabella (MPI MiS) and Dante Luber (TU Berlin), had the opportunity to interview June Huh (Princeton University) about his work, winning the Fields Medal, and mathematics in general.