

Making optimal use of mathematical research data

Published Jul 12, 2021

©Top left: Verena Brandt; © Top right: WIAS

Our institute will be part of the “Mathematical Research Data Initiative” MaRDI. This consortium aims to set standards for certified mathematical research data, the design of confirmable workflows, and it provides services for the scientific community.

The designated goal is to ensure transparent and efficient research by realizing the FAIR Data Principles across the entire field of mathematics and its applications. FAIR means Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Re-purposable.

MaRDI will start in October and will be funded over a period of five years. The consortium is coordinated by the Berlin Weierstraß Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS). It currently includes 23 other partners (universities and research institutes, science infrastructure institutions, clusters of excellence as well as the German Mathematical Society DMV and the European Mathematical Society EMS).