

Max Planck Partner Group in Brazil

Published Jul 1, 2021 | Update May 20, 2022

We are happy to announce the launch of a new Max Planck Partner Group in Brazil with focus on geometry and probability in dynamical systems. Led by Christian S. Rodrigues, the group will work in close cooperation with our director Jürgen Jost and his group members.

The partner group is affiliated to the Department of Applied Mathematics of the State University of Campinas. The new group leader Christian S. Rodrigues is well known at our institute. From 2010 to 2016 he was a research fellow in the group of Jürgen Jost. Now, he expects to continue this promising cooperation with his former mentor and former colleagues in a lively scientific exchange between both institutions.

Establishing Partner Groups, the Max Planck Society promotes young researchers in scientifically emerging countries interested in strengthening their research through international cooperation. More than 70 Partner Groups exist worldwide. Currently the new Brazilian group is completed by two PhD students and two undergraduate students. It is funded for three years with a possible extension of two years.

The scientific scope

The study of statistical properties of Dynamical Systems is currently present in almost all fields of science, from fundamental Mathematics to applied modelling. In its essence, one wants to classify long term behavior of processes undergoing time transformation from a statistical point of view, and understand how stable they are. The methods used to tackle such problems demand and stimulate a rich exchange between different mathematical areas such as Probability, Analysis, Geometry, etc. In particular, geometric properties of probability spaces play a fundamental role in understanding ergodic properties of dynamical systems. In this project, the scientists shall address intrinsic properties of the probability spaces in order to relate them to global statistical properties of dynamics.

Read more about Christian S. Rodrigues’ vita and his scientific interests on his personal homepage on the Unicamp website.

Update May 20, 2022

Official appointment through MPG vice president Klaus Blaum

After the official appointment of the Max Planck Partner Group in Brazil had to be postponed due to the pandemic, it could finally be realized on the sidelines of the conference Mathematical Concepts in the Sciences and Humanities. MPG Vice President Klaus Blaum presented the certificate of appointment to a visibly delighted Christian Rodrigues.