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Tobias Ried - Publications

Explore the scholarly works of Tobias Ried. Browse journal articles, contributions in books and conference proceedings, academic theses, or discover the latest research through preprints.

2025 Journal Open Access
Camilla Brizzi, Gero Friesecke and Tobias Ried

\(p\)-Wasserstein barycenters

In: Nonlinear analysis / A, 251 (2025), p. 113687
2024 Repository Open Access
Camilla Brizzi, Gero Friesecke and Tobias Ried

\(h\)-Wasserstein barycenters

2024 Repository Open Access
Thiago Carvalho-Corso and Tobias Ried

On a variational problem related to the Cwikel-Lieb-Rozenblum and Lieb-Thirring inequalities

2024 Repository Open Access
Tobias Ried and Carlos Román

Domain branching in micromagnetism : scaling law for the global and local energies

In: Revista Matemática Iberoamericana, (2024)
2023 Journal Open Access
Dirk Hundertmark, Peer Kunstmann, Tobias Ried and Semjon Vugalter

Cwikel's bound reloaded

In: Inventiones mathematicae, 231 (2023) 1, pp. 111-167
2023 Repository Open Access
Radu Ignat, Felix Otto, Tobias Ried and Pavlos Tsatsoulis

Variational methods for a singular SPDE yielding the universality of the magnetization ripple

In: Communications on pure and applied mathematics, 76 (2023) 11, pp. 2959-3043
Dirk Hundertmark, Peer Christian Kunstmann, Tobias Ried and Semjon Vugalter

Counting bound states with maximal Fourier multipliers

In: Partial differential equations, spectral theory, and mathematical physics : the Ari Laptev anniversary volume / Pavel Exner... (eds.)
Berlin : EMS Press, 2021. - pp. 197-207
(EMS series of congress reports ; 18)
2021 Journal Open Access
Felix Otto, Maxime Prod'homme and Tobias Ried

Variational approach to regularity of optimal transport maps : general cost functions

In: Annals of PDE, 7 (2021) 2, p. 17
2018 Repository Open Access
Federico Bonetto, Alissa Geisinger, Michael Loss and Tobias Ried

Entropy decay for the Kac evolution

In: Communications in mathematical physics, 363 (2018) 3, pp. 847-875
2018 Repository Open Access
Dirk Hundertmark, Young-Ran Lee, Tobias Ried and Vadim Zharnitsky

Solitary waves in nonlocal NLS with dispersion averaged saturated nonlinearities

In: Journal of differential equations, 265 (2018) 8, pp. 3311-3338
2017 Repository Open Access
Jean-Marie Barbaroux, Dirk Hundertmark, Tobias Ried and Semjon Vugalter

Gevrey smoothing for weak solutions of the fully nonlinear homogeneous Boltzmann and Kac equations without cutoff for Maxwellian molecules

In: Archive for rational mechanics and analysis, 225 (2017) 2, pp. 601-661
2017 Repository Open Access
Jean-Marie Barbaroux, Dirk Hundertmark, Tobias Ried and Semjon Vugalter

Strong smoothing for the non-cutoff homogeneous Boltzmann equation for Maxwellian molecules with Debye-Yukawa type interaction

In: Kinetic and related models, 10 (2017) 4, pp. 901-924
2017 Repository Open Access
Dirk Hundertmark, Young-Ran Lee, Tobias Ried and Vadim Zharnitsky

Dispersion managed solitons in the presence of saturated nonlinearity

In: Physica / D, 356/357 (2017), pp. 65-69
2017 Repository Open Access
Tobias Ried

On some nonlinear and nonlocal effective equations in kinetic theory and nonlinear optics

Dissertation, Universität Karlsruhe, 2017