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SAXAG Algebraic Geometry initiative starts with Postdoc call

Published Feb 25, 2022

The joint grant SAXAG by Daniele Agostini (MPI MiS Leipzig), Christian Lehn (Chemnitz University of Technology) and Rainer Sinn (Uni Leipzig) is funded by the State of Saxony with the aim to establish a regional scientific network with neighboring institutions that brings Saxony to the forefront of developments in both pure and applied Algebraic Geometry. This network will anchor expertise in the field and establish connections with other mathematical subdisciplines as well as interdisciplinary applications.

With the launch of SAXAG, three postdoctoral positions are available lasting from April to December, 2022. Interested candidates are encouraged to apply as soon as possible. Please send a CV including (at least) two people of reference and a research statement to one of the principal investigators Daniele Agostini, Christian Lehn or Rainer Sinn.

The SAXAG initiative

The field of algebraic geometry, which deals with the solutions of polynomial equations, dates back to the beginnings of the mathematical sciences and firm historical representation in Saxony in the form of Klein, van der Waerden, Chow, and Kähler, among others. Until the 21st century, algebraic geometry was clearly a fundamental science without direct applications.

This changed significantly with the use of computers and the development of algorithms towards more experimental methods, which led to the first applications, such as encryption systems. In particular, methods for the numerical solution of systems of polynomial equations have opened up many new fields of application, including geometric design. Data analysis and statistics are examples where geometry itself is also finding increasing applications. Algebraic manifolds of high-dimensional tensors are fundamental in computer vision and signal processing. A future focus will also lie on polynomial inequalities, which frequently occur in applications, to determine if they have real solutions.

SAXAG plans to further expand and strengthen the interface between mathematical developments and their applications outside of mathematics in Saxony. In this context, it is intended to exchange mutual expertise in particular with the disciplines of optimization, statistics, data science, image and signal processing, and in the more distant future also robotics.