Artem Sapozhnikov et al.
On Brownian motion, simple paths, and loops
Lorenzo Taggi
Convergence time of probabilistic cellular automata on the torus
Deepan Basu et al.
Crossing probabilities for critical Bernoulli percolation on slabs
Deepan Basu
Generalizations and interpretations of incipient infinite cluster measure on planar lattices and slabs
Deepan Basu et al.
Kesten's incipient infinite cluster and quasi-multiplicativity of crossing probabilities
Yinshan Chang
Two observations on the capacity of the range of simple random walks on \(\mathbb{Z}^3\) and \(\mathbb{Z}^4\)
Artem Sapozhnikov
Random walks on infinite percolation clusters in models with long-range correlations
Deepan Basu et al.
Almost empty monochromatic triangles in planar point sets
Yinshan Chang et al.
Markov loops in discrete spaces
Yinshan Chang et al.
Phase transition in loop percolation
Yinshan Chang
Supercritical loop percolation on \(\mathbb{Z}^d\) for \(d\geq 3\)
Eviatar B. Procaccia et al.
Quenched invariance principle for simple random walk on clusters in correlated percolation models
Artem Sapozhnikov et al.
Mixing time for the random walk on the range of the random walk on tori
Lorenzo Taggi
Absorbing-state phase transition in biased activated random walk
Yinshan Chang
A convergence result on the lengths of Markovian loops
Yinshan Chang
Loop cluster on discrete circles
Lorenzo Taggi
Absorbing-state phase transition in activated random walk and probabilistic cellular automata
Lorenzo Taggi
Critical probabilities and convergence time of percolation probabilistic cellular automata
Yinshan Chang
Multi-occupation field generates the Borel-sigma-field of loops
Alexander Drewitz et al.
An introduction to random interlacements
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