Published Jun 16, 2021
The Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science e.V. (MPG) is dedicated to developing fundamental knowledge. Its research spectrum is broadly diversified: the 86 Max Planck Institutes and facilities conduct basic research in the natural sciences, biological sciences, humanities and social sciences. The scientists working there investigate the interior of elementary particles and the origin of our universe, they research the molecular building blocks of life and specific interactions in ecosystems, changes in societies as a result of global migration and international legal comparisons. (MPG yearbook 2019)
Each year the Max Planck Society presents a report on its activities in the reporting year. We also contribute to this yearbook by reporting on selected research highlights in an annual article. We would like to introduce two of them here:
Christian Fleischhack | Mathematical Physics
General relativity and quantum theory have not been merged into a consistent theory of quantum gravity yet. Unfortunately, to date, there are no experiments available that may disclose parts of the unified theory. Nevertheless, mathematics is already in a position to provide us with rigorous statements on how quantum gravity may look like.
Guido Montúfar | ERC Research Group Mathematical Machine Learning
This project develops mathematical theory for deep learning, critical in making these enormously successful machine learning methods more broadly applicable, efficient, interpretable, safe, and reliable. Concretely, we seek to clarify the interplay between the representational power of artificial neural networks as parametric sets of hypotheses, the properties and consequences of the parameter optimization procedures that are employed in order to select a hypothesis based on data, and the performance of trained neural networks at test time on new data.
You will find all our contributions since 2003 on our institute presence on the MPG website under the column YEARBOOK (unfortunately they are only available in German).
All other episodes of our column can be found here.
Our yearbook on the MPG website