Published Feb 12, 2021
Congratulations to Mahsa Sayyary Namin on the successful defense of her PhD thesis “Real Algebraic Geometry of the Sextic Curves” which took place online at the University of Leipzig. We are very proud and wish her all the best and much success in her new position as a postdoc at the Mathematical Institute at Goethe Universität Frankfurt.
Mahsa’s dissertation mainly revolves around the real algebraic geometry of curves, especially curves of degree six and the hyperplanes that have special intersections with them. In two and three dimensional projective spaces, smooth sextic curves are of great importance. Towards the end of her Ph.D. she did an algebraic study of a historical problem arising from the economy known as “Weber problem”.
Mahsa Sayyary Namin was born in Tehran, Iran. She studied Mathematics at the Sharif University of Technology and the University of Tehran, followed by prae doc studies at the International Center for Theoretical Physics in Trieste, Italy. Since 2016 she was a PhD student at our Max Planck Institute in the research group of Prof Bernd Sturmfels. From 2019 to 2020, she also worked as a research associate at the Mathematical Institute at the University of Leipzig. From December 2020, Mahsa started her first postdoctoral job at Goethe Universität Frankfurt in the group of Prof Thorsten Theobald in discrete mathematics. Currently she is working on “imaginary projections of polynomials”.