

Sayan Mukherjee Awarded Humboldt Professorship

Published May 12, 2023

Bestowal of Humboldt Professorships 2023
© Humboldt Foundation/Jens Jeske

Germany's most prestigious international research award, the Alexander von Humboldt Professorship, was presented to 12 award winners in Berlin on May 11. The ceremony was presided over by Sabine Döring, State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, and Robert Schlögl, President of the Humboldt Foundation. The award brings top international researchers to German universities and provides funding of up to five million euros for cutting-edge research.

One of the winners in the field of artificial intelligence is MiS Research Group Leader Sayan Mukherjee, who came to the University of Leipzig and MiS from Duke University in Durham.

Bestowal of Humboldt Professorship to Sayan Mukherjee by Foundation President Robert Schlögl
© Humboldt Foundation/Jens Jeske

On the occasion of the award ceremony, the Humboldt Foundation has published a short video dossier on Sayan Mukherjee. On top of that we have also released a longer interview with his colleagues from the Learning and Inference Research Group at MiS.

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