
PHD Life

Markus Tempelmayr Examines Regularity Structures in Doctoral Thesis

Published Oct 5, 2023

Congratulations to Markus Tempelmayr on the successful defense of his thesis “Algebraic and probabilistic aspects of regularity structures”!

Markus recently completed his Ph.D. studies at MiS under the supervision of Felix Otto. His research focused on the development of new mathematical techniques to study stochastic partial differential equations exhibiting singularities and resonances.

He explains his research as follows: “In my thesis, I studied algebraic structures that arise in singular stochastic partial differential equations, which are used to handle complex situations where treating objects by hand is not feasible. Furthermore, I studied probabilistic aspects involving so-called renormalization procedures, which are the core of a well-posedness theory for singular SPDEs.”

These methods have important applications in modeling physical systems influenced by random forcing, such as those found in quantum field theory, statistical mechanics, and fluid dynamics.

Markus Tempelmayr previously received his BSc and MSc from the Technical University of Vienna. He has now joined the University of Münster as a postdoctoral researcher in the group of Professor Hendrik Weber. We wish Markus all the best for this next stage of his academic career!