Published May 11, 2022
Our IMPRS student Stanislav Kazmin successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis in theoretical physics on the correlated disorder in statistical models at the University of Leipzig. Congrats, Dr. Kazmin, and our best wishes for the future!
Stanislav was born in Voronezh (Russia) and in 1998 emigrated straight to Leipzig, which he now calls his second home. He studied “Energy and Environmental Engineering” at HTWK Leipzig and realized that he prefers to do more math and physics than an engineer typically has to. So, he became a passionate physicist with a hang for theoretical, mathematical, and computational physics. Shortly after his M.Sc. in physics, he was fortunate to be accepted for the “International Max Planck Research School” IMPRS program at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences and the University of Leipzig.
The supervision of his Ph.D. project was carried out in collaboration with the Department of Computer-Oriented Quantum Field Theory at the Institute of Theoretical Physics at the University of Leipzig. This department's research focus lies in computer simulations of phase transitions and critical phenomena, disordered systems, and polymers and peptides.
In the following paragraphs, Stanislav describes his work and plans for the future:
In my Ph.D. Thesis I studied an Ising model in three dimensions with long-range power-law correlated site disorder in three dimensions. By using a large amount of Monte Carlo simulations for various correlation strengths and disorder concentrations, I was able to provide a comprehensive picture of universality classes under different conditions. The primary outcome was the estimation of the critical exponents at the critical temperature.
I would like to thank the MPI MiS for an excellent opportunity to write my Ph.D. in such a professional and lovely environment. It was a great pleasure to be part of this great research organization. I also would like to thank all my colleagues at the University of Leipzig, which made my Ph.D. time a unique experience.
Currently, I found an exciting job at the DBFZ Leipzig, and I now combine my knowledge in physics, mathematics, and my programming skills to accomplish interesting and still somehow science-related topics.
Stanislav Kazmin's personal homepage