A fundamental component of the International Max Planck Research School for Mathematics in the Sciences consists of the individual people. This includes experienced scientific members, motivated students, and successful alumni from various research profiles who sustainably shape the IMPRS.
Perhaps you have already come across our Math Planck People. In this portrait series, we would like to introduce some of the individuals who are part of the research and our institute - our scientists and staff. Below, you can also get to know several of our PhD students a little better.
Through the following links, you have the opportunity to gain an overview of the different contacts. Get to know our current students and members, whose diverse backgrounds and expertise enrich academic life. Additionally, you will find information about the governance (our PhD representatives, who advocate for the interests of our doctoral candidates at the institute, and the scientific board with all experts, who are responsible for providing guidance, oversight, and evaluation of research projects, studies, or academic programs). Or you can get an overview of our alumni. Our alumni also play a crucial role, as many of them continue to set new standards in their respective fields even after their time as IMPRS students.