
Universität Leipzig
Uni P-701
08.12.22 23.01.25

Seminar on Algebra and Combinatorics

Previous Events

23.01.25 Satoshi Wakatsuki (University of Kanzawa, Japan)
Asymptotic behavior for twisted traces of self-dual representations of GL_{2n}
18.04.24 Niharika Paul (MPI MiS, Leipzig)
Toric geometry and maximum likelihood estimation in quasi-independence models
25.01.24 Stephan Mescher (Halle University)
Sequential topological complexity and sectional categories of subgroup inclusions
18.01.24 Alexey Bufetov (MPI MiS, Leipzig)
Random tilings and representations of classical Lie groups
14.12.23 Vadim Alekseev (TU Dresden)
Discrete subgroups of full groups of measure-preserving equivalence relations
07.12.23 Konstantinos Tsouvalas (MPI MiS, Leipzig)
Non linear residually finite hyperbolic groups
30.11.23 Engelbert Peter-Suchla (University of Göttingen)
What is a self-similar map?
23.11.23 James Farre (MPI MiS, Leipzig)
Horospheres, Lipschitz maps, and laminations
16.11.23 Fernando Al Assal (MPI MiS, Leipzig)
Limits of asymptotically Fuchsian surfaces in a closed hyperbolic 3-manifold (part 2)
09.11.23 Fernando Al Assal
Limits of asymptotically Fuchsian surfaces in a closed hyperbolic 3-manifold
02.11.23 Fernando Al Assal
Biased introduction to hyperbolic 3-dimension manifolds
06.07.23 Gennadiy Averkor (TU Cottbus)
Convex hulls of monomial curves, and a sparse positivstellensatz
22.06.23 Tadeusz Januszkiewicz (Wroclaw University)
CAT(0) in Nature
01.06.23 Robin Tucker-Drob (University of Florida)
Amenable subrelations of treed equivalence relations and the Paddle-ball lemma
11.05.23 Javier Sendra
The Hessian correspondence of hypersurfaces of degree 3 and 4
27.04.23 Tim de Laat (University of Münster)
Actions of higher rank groups on uniformly convex Banach spaces
20.04.23 Claudia Yun
Amalgamating groups via linear programming
06.04.23 Federico Vigolo (University of Göttingen)
Roe-like C*-algebras for actions on meausure spaces
02.02.23 Damian Osajda (University of Copenhagen)
The Tits Alternative for groups acting properly on 2-dimensional CAT(0) complexes
26.01.23 Matilde Manzaroli (University of Tübingen)
Betti numbers of real semi-stable degenerations via real logarithmic geometry
19.01.23 Andreas Thom (TU Dresden)
Identities and mixed identities for finite groups
12.01.23 John Wilson (University of Leipzig)
The first-order theory of finite groups
15.12.22 Raul Penaguiao (MPI MiS, Leipzig)
Computing degrees of Bergman fans in funny ways
08.12.22 Tobias Finis (University of Leipzig)
Weyl's law with remainder and Hecke operators