Repository Open Access
Renan Assimos, Yaoting Gui and Jürgen Jost
Lipschitz regularity of sub-elliptic harmonic maps into CAT(0) spaces
Manoj Changat, Ameera Vaheeda Shanavas and Peter F. Stadler
Transit functions and pyramid-like binary clustering systems
Bin Chen, Xiaofen Huang and Shao-Ming Fei
On complementarity and distribution of imaginarity in finite dimensions
Repository Open Access
Florio M. Ciaglia, Fabio Di Cosmo, Fabio Di Nocera and Patrizia Vitale
Monotone metric tensors in quantum information geometry
Florio M. Ciaglia, Fabio Di Nocera , Jürgen Jost and Lorenz J. Schwachhöfer
Parametric models and information geometry on W*-algebras
Qi Ding, Jürgen Jost and Yuan-Long Xin
Minimal graphs of arbitrary codimension in Euclidean space with bounded 2-dilation
Repository Open Access
Angel Alejandro García-Chung , Marisol Bermúdez Montaña, Peter F. Stadler , Jürgen Jost and Guillermo Restrepo
Chemically inspired Erdös-Rényi oriented hypergraphs
Jürgen Jost and Guillermo Restrepo
Geschichte der Chemie neu denken
Repository Open Access
Hông Vân Lê
Natural differentiable structures on statistical models and the Fisher metric
Repository Open Access
Sunhyuk Lim and Facundo Mémoli
Classical multidimensional scaling on metric measure spaces
Ruo-Nan Li, Yuan-Hong Tao, Jin-Min Liang, Shu-Hui Wu and Shao-Ming Fei
Full quantum eigensolvers based on variance
Shiping Liu, Florentin Münch and Norbert Peyerimhoff
Rigidity properties of the hypercube via Bakry-Émery curvature
Repository Open Access
Madhumita Mondal , Areejit Samal , Florentin Münch and Jürgen Jost
Bakry-ÔEmery-Ricci curvature : an alternative network geometry measure in the expanding toolbox of graph Ricci curvatures
Raffaella Mulas and Giulio Zucal
A measure-theoretic representation of graphs
Raffaella Mulas
Maximal colourings for graphs
Raffaella Mulas , Dong Zhang and Giulio Zucal
There is no going back : Properties of the non-backtracking Laplacian
Tieu-Long Phan, Klaus Weinbauer, Thomas Gärtner, Daniel Merkle, Jakob L. Andersen, Rolf Fagerberg and Peter F. Stadler
Reaction rebalancing : a novel approach to curating reaction databases
Guillermo Restrepo
Spaces of mathematical chemistry
Michelle Roost , Karel Devriendt , Giulio Zucal and Jürgen Jost
Exploring the space of graphs with fixed discrete curvatures
Maximilian Stegemeyer
The string topology coproduct on complex and quaternionic projective space
Repository Open Access
Linlin Sun and Jingyong Zhu
An existence result for the Kazdan-Warner equation with a sign-changing prescribed function
Repository Open Access
Cong Xu, Zhaoqi Wu and Shao-Ming Fei
Tighter sum uncertainty relations via (\({\alpha}\),\({\beta}\),\({\gamma}\)) weighted Wigner-Yanase-Dyson skew information
Biao-Liang Ye and Shao-Ming Fei
Nonlinearity-induced enhancement of entanglement in quantum walk
Repository Open Access
Zachary P. Adams
The asymptotic frequency of stochastic oscillators
Repository Open Access
Miroslav Bačák
Old and new challenges in Hadamard spaces
Repository Open Access
Sven Banisch and Hawal Shamon
Biased processing and opinion polarization : experimental refinement of argument communication theory in the context of the energy debate
Andrés M. Bran , Peter F. Stadler , Jürgen Jost and Guillermo Restrepo
The six stages of the convergence of the periodic system to its final structure
Florio M. Ciaglia , Jürgen Jost and Lorenz J. Schwachhöfer
Information geometry, Jordan algebras, and a coadjoint orbit-like construction
Masud Ehsani and Jürgen Jost
Scale free avalanches in excitatory-inhibitory populations of spiking neurons with conductance based synaptic currents
Amirhossein Farzam , Parham Moradi, Saeedeh Mohammadi, Zahra Padar and Alexandra A. Siegel
Opinion manipulation on Farsi Twitter
Felix Gaisbauer , Armin Pournaki , Sven Banisch and Eckehard Olbrich
Grounding force-directed network layouts with latent space models
Jürgen Jost , Roberto Lalli, Manfred D. Laubichler, Eckehard Olbrich , Jürgen Renn, Guillermo Restrepo , Peter F. Stadler and Dirk Wintergrün
Computational history : challenges and opportunities of formal approaches
Jürgen Jost and Walter Wenzel
Geometric algebra for sets with betweenness relations
Jürgen Jost , Raffaella Mulas and Dong Zhang
Petals and books : the largest Laplacian spectral gap from 1
Jürgen Jost and Guillermo Restrepo
Self reinforcing mechanisms driving the evolution of the chemical space
Repository Open Access
Jürgen Jost , Raffaella Mulas and Leo Torres
Spectral theory of the non-backtracking Laplacian for graphs
Stanislav Kazmin and Wolfhard Janke
Temperature scaling analysis of the 3D disordered Ising model with power-law correlated defects
Phokion G. Kolaitis, Andrei Romashchenko , Milan Studený, Dan Suciu and Tobias Boege
Algorithmic aspects of information theory : Dagstuhl Seminar 22301
Jin-Min Liang, Qiao-Qiao Lv, Zhi-Xi Wang and Shao-Ming Fei
Assisted quantum simulation of open quantum systems
Bo Li, Xiao-Bin Liang and Shao-Ming Fei
Characterizing the superposition of arbitrary random quantum states and a known quantum state
Repository Open Access
Sunhyuk Lim , Facundo Mémoli and Zane Smith
The Gromov-Hausdorff distance between spheres
Repository Open Access
Stephan Mescher and Maximilian Stegemeyer
Geodesic complexity of homogeneous Riemannian manifolds
Stephan Mescher and Maximilian Stegemeyer
Geodesic complexity via fibered decompositions of cut loci
Raffaella Mulas
Interview with László Lovász
Repository Open Access
Raffaella Mulas and Jiaxi Nie
On Turán numbers for disconnected hypergraphs
Marius Neuß
Ergodicity for singular-degenerate stochastic porous media equations
Repository Open Access
Armin Pournaki , Eckehard Olbrich , Sven Banisch and Konstantin Klemm
Order-disorder transition in the zero-temperature Ising model on random graphs
Repository Open Access
Pedro Ramaciotti Morales, Jean-Philippe Cointet, Gabriel Muñoz Zolotoochin, Antonio Fernández-Peralta, Gerardo Iñguez and Armin Pournaki
Inferring attitudinal spaces in social networks
Maria Alejandra Ramirez , Matteo Smerlak , Arne Traulsen and Jürgen Jost
Diversity enables the jump towards cooperation for the Traveler's Dilemma
Repository Open Access
Johannes Rauh , Pradeep Kumar Banerjee , Eckehard Olbrich , Guido Montúfar and Jürgen Jost
Continuity and additivity properties of information decompositions
Guillermo Restrepo
Book review: '150 years of the periodic table : a commemorative symposium', by Carmen J. Giunta, Vera V. Mainz, and Gregory S. Girolami, Springer, 2021
Guillermo Restrepo
Correction: 'Chemical space : limits, evolution and modelling of an object bigger than our universal library' [In: Digital discovery, 1(2022)5,p. 568-585]
Guillermo Restrepo
Rainer Brüggemann : pioneer of ordering theory in chemistry and environmental sciences
Jeffrey Ira Seemann and Guillermo Restrepo
On the nonexistent Nobel Prizes for two pioneers of modern physical organic chemistry : Sir Christopher K. Ingold and Saul Winstein
Jeffrey Ira Seemann and Guillermo Restrepo
The uncertain role of nominations for the Nobel Prize in chemistry
Viacheslav Shibaev, Eckehard Olbrich , Jürgen Jost and Ivan P. Yamshchikov
Quick estimate of information decomposition for text style transfer
Yasharth Yadav, Pavithra Elumalai, Nitin Williams, Jürgen Jost and Areejit Samal
Discrete Ricci curvatures capture age-related changes in human brain functional connectivity networks
Repository Open Access
Xue-Na Zhu, Gui Bao, Zhi-Xiang Jin and Shao-Ming Fei
Monogamy of entanglement for tripartite systems
Azizkhon Afzalov, Ahmad Lotfi, Benjamin Inden and Mehmet Aydin
A strategy-based algorithm for moving targets in an environment with multiple agents
Eleonora Andreotti and Raffaella Mulas
Signless normalized Laplacian for hypergraphs
Sven Banisch , Felix Gaisbauer and Eckehard Olbrich
Modelling spirals of silence and echo chambers by learning from the feedback of others
Repository Open Access
Tobias Böhle, Christian Kuehn, Raffaella Mulas and Jürgen Jost
Coupled hypergraph maps and chaotic cluster synchronization
Florio M. Ciaglia and Fabio Di Nocera
Group actions and monotone quantum metric tensors
Pavithra Elumalai, Yasharth Yadav, Nitin Williams, Emil Saucan, Jürgen Jost and Areejit Samal
Graph Ricci curvatures reveal atypical functional connectivity in autism spectrum disorder
Paul Görlach , Yue Ren and Leon Zhang
Computing zero-dimensional tropical varieties via projections
Jonas Hirsch and Konstantinos Zemas
A note on a rigidity estimate for degree \(\pm 1\) conformal maps on \(\mathbb{S}^2\)
Jürgen Jost , Raffaella Mulas and Dong Zhang
\(p\)-Laplace operators for oriented hypergraphs
Jürgen Jost and Masud Ehsani
Self organized criticality in a mesoscopic model of excitatory-inhibitory neuronal populations by short-term and long-term synaptic plasticity
Jürgen Jost , Raffaella Mulas and Florentin Münch
Spectral gap of the largest eigenvalue of the normalized graph Laplacian
Stanislav Kazmin and Wolfhard Janke
Critical exponents of the Ising model in three dimensions with long-range power-law correlated site disorder : a Monte Carlo study
Repository Open Access
Christian Kuehn, James MacLaurin and Giulio Zucal
Stochastic rotating waves
Wilmer Leal , Eugenio J. Llanos , Andrés Bernal , Peter F. Stadler , Jürgen Jost and Guillermo Restrepo
The expansion of chemical space in 1826 and in the 1840s prompted the convergence to the periodic system
Marcin Mider , Paul A. Jenkins, Murray Pollock and Gareth O. Roberts
The computational cost of blocking for sampling discretely observed diffusions
Repository Open Access
Raffaella Mulas , Christian Kuehn, Tobias Böhle and Jürgen Jost
Random walks and Laplacians on hypergraphs : When do they match?
Raffaella Mulas and Zoran Stanić
Star complements for ±2 in signed graphs
Raffaella Mulas
The Aleph of Borges and the paradise of Cantor
Eckehard Olbrich and Sven Banisch
Corrigendum: ''The rise of populism and the reconfiguration of the German political space'' [In: Frontiers in big data, 4 (2021), 731349]
Janani Ravichandran, Bagavathy Shanmugam Karthikeyan, Jürgen Jost and Areejit Samal
An atlas of fragrance chemicals in children's products
Guillermo Restrepo
Chemical space : limits, evolution and modelling of an object bigger than our universal library
Repository Open Access
Guillermo Restrepo
Computational history of chemistry
Guillermo Restrepo
Semiotic thoughts on biological sequence representations
Marcel Sarközi, Stephanie Jütersonke, Sven Banisch , Stephan Poppe and Roger Berger
The effects of social feedback on private opinions : empirical evidence from the laboratory
Repository Open Access
Maximilian Stegemeyer
On the string topology coproduct for Lie groups
Petter Törnberg, Eckehard Olbrich and Justus Uitermark
Editorial: The computational analysis of cultural conflicts
Repository Open Access
Christiaan J. F. van de Ven
The classical limit and spontaneous symmetry breaking in algebraic quantum theory
Tom Willaert, Sven Banisch , Paul Van Eecke and Katrien Beuls
Tracking causal relations in the news : data, tools, and models for the analysis of argumentative statements in online media
Repository Open Access
Aida Abiad, Raffaella Mulas and Dong Zhang
Coloring the normalized Laplacian for oriented hypergraphs
Nihat Ay , Hoang Xuan Phu and Michael Struwe
Preface : special issue dedicated to Jürgen Jost's 65th birthday
Sven Banisch and Eckehard Olbrich
An argument communication model of polarization and ideological alignment
Repository Open Access
Morgens Bladt, Marcin Mider and Michael Sørensen
Corrigendum to ''Simple simulation of diffusion bridges with application to likelihood inference for diffusions''
Manoj Changat , Prasanth G. Narasimha-Shenoi, Ferdoos Hossein Nezhad, Matjaž Kovše , Shilpa Mohandas, Abisha Ramachandran and Peter F. Stadler
Transit sets of two-point crossover
Repository Open Access
Florio M. Ciaglia , Fabio Di Cosmo, Alberto Ibort, Giuseppe Marmo, Luca Schiavone and Alessandro Zampini
A quantum route to the classical Lagrangian formalism
Florio M. Ciaglia , Stefano Mancini and Minh Ha Quang
Focus point : classical and quantum information geometry
Repository Open Access
Florio M. Ciaglia , Fabio Di Cosmo, Alberto Ibort, Giuseppe Marmo and Luca Schiavone
Schwinger's picture of quantum mechanics : 2-groupoids and symmetries
Jörg Fingerhut, Javier Gomez-Lavin, Claudia Winklmayr and Jesse J. Prinz
The aesthetic self : the importance of aesthetic taste in music and art for our perceived identity
Felix Gaisbauer , Armin Pournaki , Sven Banisch and Eckehard Olbrich
Ideological differences in engagement in public debate on Twitter
Paul Görlach , Christian Lehn and Anna-Laura Sattelberger
Algebraic analysis of the hypergeometric function \(\,{_1F_{\!\!\;1}}\,\) of a matrix argument
Paul Görlach , Yue Ren and Jeff Sommars
Detecting tropical defects of polynomial equations
Jürgen Jost and Raffaella Mulas
Cheeger-like inequalities for the largest eigenvalue of the graph Laplace operator
Jürgen Jost and Guillermo Restrepo
Computational approaches to the history of chemistry
Repository Open Access
Jürgen Jost and Raffaella Mulas
Normalized Laplace operators for hypergraphs with real coefficients
Wilmer Leal , Guillermo Restrepo , Peter F. Stadler and Jürgen Jost
Forman-Ricci curvature for hypergraphs
Antonio Lerario and Raffaella Mulas
Random geometric complexes and graphs on Riemannian manifolds in the thermodynamic limit
Repository Open Access
Abdullah Makkeh, Aaron J. Gutknecht and Michael Wibral
Introducing a differentiable measure of pointwise shared information
Marcin Mider , Moritz Schauer and Frank Van der Meulen
Continuous-discrete smoothing of diffusions
Repository Open Access
Raffaella Mulas
Sharp bounds for the largest eigenvalue
Raffaella Mulas
Spectral classes of hypergraphs
Repository Open Access
Raffaella Mulas and Dong Zhang
Spectral theory of Laplace operators on oriented hypergraphs
Repository Open Access
Marius Neuß
Well-posedness of SVI solutions to singular-degenerate stochastic porous media equations arising in self-organised criticality
Eckehard Olbrich and Sven Banisch
The rise of populism and the reconfiguration of the German political space
Armin Pournaki , Felix Gaisbauer , Sven Banisch and Eckehard Olbrich
The twitter explorer : a framework for observing Twitter through interactive networks
Johannes Rauh , Maik Schünemann and Jürgen Jost
Properties of unique information
Areejit Samal , Hirdesh Kumar Pharasi, Sarath Jyotsna Ramaia, Harish Kannan, Emil Saucan, Jürgen Jost and Anirban Chakraborti
Network geometry and market instability
Repository Open Access
Emil Saucan, Areejit Samal and Jürgen Jost
A simple differential geometry for complex networks
Elham Shamsara , Sara Saffar Soflaei, Mohammad Tajfard, Ivan P. Yamshchikov , Habibollah Esmaily, Maryam Saberi-Karimian, Hamideh Ghazizadeh and Majid Ghayour-Mobarhan
Artificial neural network models for coronary artery disease
Jürgen Tolksdorf and Rainer Verch
The D-CTC condition is generically fulfilled in classical (non-quantum) statistical systems
Petter Törnberg, Claes Andersson, Kristian Lindgren and Sven Banisch
Modeling the emergence of affective polarization in the social media society
Yana Agafonova, Alexey Tikhonov and Ivan P. Yamshchikov
Paranoid transformer : reading narrative of madness as computational approach to creativity
Repository Open Access
Miroslav Bačák , Johannes Hertrich, Sebastian Neumayer and Gabriele Steidl
Minimal Lipschitz and \(\infty\)-harmonic extensions of vector-valued functions on finite graphs
Wolfram Barfuss , Jonathan F. Donges, Vitor V. Vasconcelos, Jürgen Kurths and Simon A. Levin
Caring for the future can turn tragedy into comedy for long-term collective action under risk of collapse
Cristina Blanco-Dunque, Martin Kahn, Lukas B. Krone, Peter Achermann, David Bannerman, Eckehard Olbrich and Vladyslav Vyazovskiy
Spindle oscillatory-quality : a new metric for the spatiotemporal dynamics of sleep spindles
Manoj Changat , Prasanth G. Narasimha-Shenoi, Ferdoos Hossein Nezhad, Matjaž Kovše , Shilpa Mohandas, Abisha Ramachandran and Peter F. Stadler
Transit sets of \(k\)-point crossover operators
Repository Open Access
Florio M. Ciaglia , Fabio Di Cosmo, Alberto Ibort, Giuseppe Marmo and Luca Schiavone
Covariant reduction of classical Hamiltonian field theories : from D'Alembert to Klein-Gordon and Schrödinger
Repository Open Access
Florio M. Ciaglia , Fabio Di Cosmo, Alberto Ibort, Giuseppe Marmo and Luca Schiavone
Covariant variational evolution and Jacobi brackets : fields
Repository Open Access
Florio M. Ciaglia , Fabio Di Cosmo, Alberto Ibort, Giuseppe Marmo and Luca Schiavone
Covariant variational evolution and Jacobi brackets : particles
Florio M. Ciaglia , Jürgen Jost and Lorenz J. Schwachhöfer
Differential geometric aspects of parametric estimation theory for states on finite-dimensional \(C^{\star}\)-algebras
Florio M. Ciaglia , Fabio Di Cosmo, Alberto Ibort and Giuseppe Marmo
Evolution of classical and quantum states in the groupoid picture of quantum mechanics
Florio M. Ciaglia , Jürgen Jost and Lorenz J. Schwachhöfer
From the Jordan product to Riemannian geometries on classical and quantum states
Repository Open Access
Florio M. Ciaglia , Fabio Di Cosmo, Armando Figueroa, Giuseppe Marmo and Luca Schiavone
Geometry from divergence functions and complex structures
Repository Open Access
Florio M. Ciaglia , Fabio Di Cosmo, Giuseppe Marmo, Luca Schiavone and Alessandro Zampini
Lagrangian description of Heisenberg and Landau-von Neumann equations of motion
Florio M. Ciaglia
Quantum states, groups and monotone metric tensors
Florio M. Ciaglia , Fabio Di Cosmo, Alberto Ibort and Giuseppe Marmo
Schrödinger's problem with cats : measurements and states in the groupoid picture of quantum mechanics
Repository Open Access
Florio M. Ciaglia , Fabio Di Cosmo, Alberto Ibort and Giuseppe Marmo
Schwinger's picture of quantum mechanics
Repository Open Access
Florio M. Ciaglia , Fabio Di Cosmo, Alberto Ibort and Giuseppe Marmo
Schwinger's picture of quantum mechanics IV : Composition and independence
Papri Dey, Paul Görlach and Nidhi Kaihnsa
Coordinate-wise powers of algebraic varieties
Maria Donten-Bury, Paul Görlach and Milena Wrobel
Towards classifying toric degenerations of cubic surfaces
Marzieh Eidi , Amirhossein Farzam , Wilmer Leal , Areejit Samal and Jürgen Jost
Edge-based analysis of networks : curvatures of graphs and hypergraphs
Amirhossein Farzam , Areejit Samal and Jürgen Jost
Degree difference : a simple measure to characterize structural heterogeneity in complex networks
Felix Gaisbauer , Eckehard Olbrich and Sven Banisch
The dynamics of opinion expression
Stanislav Kazmin and Wolfhard Janke
Critical exponent \(v\) of the Ising model in three dimensions with long-range correlated site disorder analyzed with Monte Carlo techniques
David C. Krakauer, Nils Bertschinger , Eckehard Olbrich , Jessica C. Flack and Nihat Ay
The information theory of individuality
Wilmer Leal , Marzieh Eidi and Jürgen Jost
Ricci curvature of random and empirical directed hypernetworks
Raffaella Mulas , Christian Kuehn and Jürgen Jost
Coupled dynamics on hypergraphs : master stability of steady states and synchronization
Repository Open Access