Repository Open Access
Marisol Bermúdez Montaña, Angel Alejandro García-Chung, Peter F. Stadler, Jürgen Jost and Guillermo Restrepo
China's rise in the chemical space and the decline of US influence
Florio M. Ciaglia, Shu-Han Jiang, Jürgen Jost and Lorenz J. Schwachhöfer
A coadjoint orbit-like construction for Jordan superalgebras
Repository Open Access
Jürgen Jost and Jingyong Zhu
Boundary partial regularity for a class of Dirac-harmonic maps
Repository Open Access
Wanjun Ai, Shu-Han Jiang and Jürgen Jost
Variational aspects of the generalized Seiberg-Witten functional
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Renan Assimos, Yaoting Gui and Jürgen Jost
Lipschitz regularity of sub-elliptic harmonic maps into CAT(0) spaces
Repository Open Access
Lukas Barth, Fatemeh Fahimi, Parvaneh Joharinad, Jürgen Jost, Janis Keck and Thomas Jan Mikhail
Fuzzy simplicial sets and their application to geometric data analysis
Repository Open Access
Lukas Barth, Fatemeh Fahimi, Parvaneh Joharinad, Jürgen Jost and Janis Keck
IsUMap : manifold learning and data visualization leveraging Vietoris-Rips filtrations
Florio M. Ciaglia, Fabio Di Nocera, Jürgen Jost and Lorenz J. Schwachhöfer
Parametric models and information geometry on W*-algebras
Repository Open Access
Qi Ding, Jürgen Jost and Yuan-Long Xin
Boundary regularity for minimal graphs and mean curvature flows with higher codimension
Qi Ding, Jürgen Jost and Yuan-Long Xin
Minimal graphs of arbitrary codimension in Euclidean space with bounded 2-dilation
Marzieh Eidi and Jürgen Jost
Floer homology : from generalized Morse-Smale dynamical systems to forman's combinatorial vector fields
Repository Open Access
Angel Alejandro García-Chung, Marisol Bermúdez Montaña, Peter F. Stadler, Jürgen Jost and Guillermo Restrepo
Chemically inspired Erdös-Rényi oriented hypergraphs
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Shu-Han Jiang and Jürgen Jost
Cohomological field theories and generalized Seiberg-Witten equations
Repository Open Access
Jürgen Jost and Massimo Warglien
A mathematical model for cognitive structures and processes underlying innovations
Repository Open Access
Jürgen Jost, Linlin Sun and Jingyong Zhu
Dirac-harmonic maps with trivial index
Jürgen Jost and Dong Zhang
Discrete-to-continuous extensions : Lovász extension and Morse theory
Jürgen Jost and Guillermo Restrepo
Geschichte der Chemie neu denken
Repository Open Access
Janis Keck, Caswell Barry, Christian F. Doeller and Jürgen Jost
Symmetry and generalization in local learning of predictive representations
Eugenio J. Llanos, Wilmer Leal, Andrés Bernal, Jürgen Jost and Peter F. Stadler
Are the chemical families still there? Formal structure of similarity of elements and its thermochemical domain
Andrea I. Luppi, Eckehard Olbrich, Conor Finn, Laura E. Suárez, Fernando E. Rosas, Pedro A. M. Mediano and Jürgen Jost
Quantifying synergy and redundancy between networks
Repository Open Access
Madhumita Mondal, Areejit Samal, Florentin Münch and Jürgen Jost
Bakry-ÔEmery-Ricci curvature : an alternative network geometry measure in the expanding toolbox of graph Ricci curvatures
Michelle Roost, Karel Devriendt, Giulio Zucal and Jürgen Jost
Exploring the space of graphs with fixed discrete curvatures
Elham Shamsara, Marius Emar Yamakou, Fatihcan M. Atay and Jürgen Jost
Dynamics of neural fields with exponential temporal kernel
David Wolpert, Michael H. Price, Stefani A. Crabtree, Timothy A. Kohler, Jürgen Jost, James Evans, Peter F. Stadler, Hajime Shimao and Manfred D. Laubichler
The past as a stochastic process
Renan Assimos and Jürgen Jost
Harmonic maps from surfaces of arbitrary genus into spheres
Andrés M. Bran, Peter F. Stadler, Jürgen Jost and Guillermo Restrepo
The six stages of the convergence of the periodic system to its final structure
Florio M. Ciaglia, Jürgen Jost and Lorenz J. Schwachhöfer
Information geometry, Jordan algebras, and a coadjoint orbit-like construction
Repository Open Access
Danillo Barros de Souza, Jonatas T. S. da Cunha, Rodrigo A. Moreira, Fernando A. N. Santos, Jürgen Jost and Serafim Rodrigues
Efficient set-theoretic algorithms for computing high-order Forman-Ricci curvature on abstract simplicial complexes
Repository Open Access
Qi Ding, Jürgen Jost and Yuan-Long Xin
Existence and non-existence of minimal graphs
Masud Ehsani and Jürgen Jost
Scale free avalanches in excitatory-inhibitory populations of spiking neurons with conductance based synaptic currents
Jan Frercks and Jürgen Jost
Lavoisier : System der antiphlogistischen Chemie
Repository Open Access
Parvaneh Joharinad and Jürgen Jost
Geometry of data
Parvaneh Joharinad and Jürgen Jost
Mathematical principles of topological and geometric data analysis
Repository Open Access
Parvaneh Joharinad, Jürgen Jost, Sunhyuk Lim and Rostislav Matveev
Reverse Bernstein inequality on the circle
Repository Open Access
Jürgen Jost and Dong Zhang
Cheeger inequalities on simplicial complexes
Jürgen Jost, Roberto Lalli, Manfred D. Laubichler, Eckehard Olbrich, Jürgen Renn, Guillermo Restrepo, Peter F. Stadler and Dirk Wintergrün
Computational history : challenges and opportunities of formal approaches
Repository Open Access
Jürgen Jost and Dong Zhang
Discrete-to-continuous extensions : Lovász extension, optimizations and eigenvalue problems
Jürgen Jost and Walter Wenzel
Geometric algebra for sets with betweenness relations
Jürgen Jost, Raffaella Mulas and Dong Zhang
Petals and books : the largest Laplacian spectral gap from 1
Jürgen Jost and Guillermo Restrepo
Self reinforcing mechanisms driving the evolution of the chemical space
Repository Open Access
Jürgen Jost, Raffaella Mulas and Leo Torres
Spectral theory of the non-backtracking Laplacian for graphs
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Jürgen Jost and Jingyong Zhu
Uniqueness of Dirac-harmonic maps from a compact surface with boundary
Repository Open Access
Joseph T. Lizier, Frank Bauer, Fatihcan M. Atay and Jürgen Jost
Analytic relationship of relative synchronizability to network structure and motifs
Repository Open Access
Gabriele Lohmann, Samuel Heczko, Lucas Mahler, Qi Wang, Julius Steiglechner, Vinod J. Kumar, Michelle Roost, Jürgen Jost and Klaus Scheffler
Improving the reliability of fMRI-based predictions of intelligence via semi-blind machine learning
Repository Open Access
Hoang Duc Luu and Jürgen Jost
How rough path lifts affect expected return and volatility : a rough model under transaction cost
Repository Open Access
Armin Pournaki, Eckehard Olbrich, Thierry Poibeau, Jean-Philippe Cointet and Jürgen Jost
Analyzing climate change contrarian argumentation on Reddit
Maria Alejandra Ramirez, Matteo Smerlak, Arne Traulsen and Jürgen Jost
Diversity enables the jump towards cooperation for the Traveler's Dilemma
Repository Open Access
Maria Alejandra Ramirez, Yoav Kolumbus, Rosemarie Nagel, David Wolpert and Jürgen Jost
Game manipulators : the strategic implications of binding contracts
Repository Open Access
Johannes Rauh, Pradeep Kumar Banerjee, Eckehard Olbrich, Guido Montúfar and Jürgen Jost
Continuity and additivity properties of information decompositions
Emil Saucan, Vladislav Barkanass and Jürgen Jost
Coarse geometric kernels for networks embedding
Viacheslav Shibaev, Eckehard Olbrich, Jürgen Jost and Ivan P. Yamshchikov
Quick estimate of information decomposition for text style transfer
Yasharth Yadav, Pavithra Elumalai, Nitin Williams, Jürgen Jost and Areejit Samal
Discrete Ricci curvatures capture age-related changes in human brain functional connectivity networks
Repository Open Access
Nihat Ay, Nils Bertschinger, Jürgen Jost, Eckehard Olbrich and Johannes Rauh
Information and complexity, or: Where is the information?
Repository Open Access
Vladislav Barkanass, Jürgen Jost and Emil Saucan
Geometric sampling of networks
Repository Open Access
Tobias Böhle, Christian Kuehn, Raffaella Mulas and Jürgen Jost
Coupled hypergraph maps and chaotic cluster synchronization
Haim Cohen, Yinon Nachshon, Anat Maril, Paz M. Naim, Jürgen Jost and Emil Saucan
A path-curvature measure for word-based strategy searches in semantic networks
Haim Cohen, Yinon Nachshon, Paz M. Naim, Jürgen Jost, Anat Maril and Emil Saucan
Local detour centrality : a novel local centrality measure for weighted networks
Haim Cohen, Yinon Nachshon, Anat Maril, Paz M. Naim, Jürgen Jost and Emil Saucan
Object-based dynamics : applying Forman-Ricci flow on a multigraph to Assess the Impact of an object on the network structure
Pavithra Elumalai, Yasharth Yadav, Nitin Williams, Emil Saucan, Jürgen Jost and Areejit Samal
Graph Ricci curvatures reveal atypical functional connectivity in autism spectrum disorder
Yaoting Gui, Jürgen Jost and Xianqing Li-Jost
Subelliptic harmonic maps with values in metric spaces of nonpositive curvature
Jürgen Jost, Raffaella Mulas and Dong Zhang
\(p\)-Laplace operators for oriented hypergraphs
Repository Open Access
Jürgen Jost, Lei Liu and Miaomiao Zhu
A mixed elliptic-parabolic boundary value problem coupling a harmonic-like map with a nonlinear spinor
Repository Open Access
Jürgen Jost, Lei Liu and Miaomiao Zhu
Asymptotic analysis and qualitative behavior at the free boundary for Sacks-Uhlenbeck \(a\)-harmonic maps
Jürgen Jost
Biology, geometry and information
Jürgen Jost, Lei Liu and Miaomiao Zhu
Energy identity and necklessness for a nonlinear supersymmetric sigma model
Repository Open Access
Jürgen Jost, Enno Keßler, Ruijun Wu and Miaomiao Zhu
Geometric analysis of the Yang-Mills-Higgs-Dirac model
Jürgen Jost and Masud Ehsani
Self organized criticality in a mesoscopic model of excitatory-inhibitory neuronal populations by short-term and long-term synaptic plasticity
Jürgen Jost, Raffaella Mulas and Florentin Münch
Spectral gap of the largest eigenvalue of the normalized graph Laplacian
Jürgen Jost and Guillermo Restrepo (Eds.)
The evolution of chemical knowledge : a formal setting for its analysis
Wilmer Leal, Eugenio J. Llanos, Andrés Bernal, Peter F. Stadler, Jürgen Jost and Guillermo Restrepo
The expansion of chemical space in 1826 and in the 1840s prompted the convergence to the periodic system
Repository Open Access
Raffaella Mulas, Danijela Horak and Jürgen Jost
Graphs, simplicial complexes and hypergraphs : spectral theory and topology
Repository Open Access
Raffaella Mulas, Christian Kuehn, Tobias Böhle and Jürgen Jost
Random walks and Laplacians on hypergraphs : When do they match?
Janani Ravichandran, Bagavathy Shanmugam Karthikeyan, Jürgen Jost and Areejit Samal
An atlas of fragrance chemicals in children's products
Repository Open Access
Marie Teich, Wilmer Leal and Jürgen Jost
Diachronic data analysis supports and refines conceptual metaphor theory
Marius Emar Yamakou, Tat Dat Tran and Jürgen Jost
Optimal resonances in multiplex neural networks driven by an STDP learning rule
Ivan P. Yamshchikov, Alexey Tikhonov, Yorgos Pantis, Charlotte Schubert and Jürgen Jost
BERT in Plutarch's shadows
Repository Open Access
Timo Ehrig, Konstantinos Katsikopoulos, Jürgen Jost and Gerd Gigerenzer
An exploratory study of heuristics for anticipating prices
Jürgen Jost and Jingyong Zhu
\(\alpha\)-Dirac-harmonic maps from closed surfaces
Repository Open Access
Jürgen Jost and Florentin Münch
Characterizations of Forman curvature
Jürgen Jost and Raffaella Mulas
Cheeger-like inequalities for the largest eigenvalue of the graph Laplace operator
Jürgen Jost and Guillermo Restrepo
Chemistry, a historical science : the case of the chemical space
Jürgen Jost and Guillermo Restrepo
Computational approaches to the history of chemistry
Repository Open Access
Jürgen Jost and Dong Zhang
Discrete-to-continuous extensions : piecewise multilinear extension, min-max theory and spectral theory
Jürgen Jost, Chunqin Zhou and Miaomiao Zhu
Energy quantization for a singular super-Liouville boundary value problem
Jürgen Jost and Jingyong Zhu
Existence of (Dirac-)harmonic maps from degenerating (spin) surfaces
Jürgen Jost
From linear to convex
Jürgen Jost
Information theory and consciousness
Jürgen Jost
Leibniz and modern physics
Repository Open Access
Jürgen Jost and Raffaella Mulas
Normalized Laplace operators for hypergraphs with real coefficients
Repository Open Access
Jürgen Jost, Hông Vân Lê and Tat Dat Tran
Probabilistic morphisms and Bayesian nonparametrics
Jürgen Jost and Jingyong Zhu
Short-time existence of the \(\alpha\)-Dirac-harmonic map flow and applications
Repository Open Access
Wilmer Leal, Eugenio J. Llanos, Andrés Bernal, Peter F. Stadler, Jürgen Jost and Guillermo Restrepo
Computational data analysis shows that key developments towards the periodic system occurred in the 1840s
Wilmer Leal, Guillermo Restrepo, Peter F. Stadler and Jürgen Jost
Forman-Ricci curvature for hypergraphs
Repository Open Access
Gabriele Lohmann, Eric Lacosse, Thomas Ethofer, Vinod J. Kumar, Klaus Scheffler and Jürgen Jost
Predicting intelligence from fMRI data of the human brain in a few minutes of scan time
Johannes Rauh, Maik Schünemann and Jürgen Jost
Properties of unique information
Areejit Samal, Hirdesh Kumar Pharasi, Sarath Jyotsna Ramaia, Harish Kannan, Emil Saucan, Jürgen Jost and Anirban Chakraborti
Network geometry and market instability
Repository Open Access
Emil Saucan, Areejit Samal and Jürgen Jost
A simple differential geometry for complex networks
Qun Chen, Jürgen Jost and Hongbing Qiu
On \(VT\)-harmonic maps
Florio M. Ciaglia, Jürgen Jost and Lorenz J. Schwachhöfer
Differential geometric aspects of parametric estimation theory for states on finite-dimensional \(C^{\star}\)-algebras
Florio M. Ciaglia, Jürgen Jost and Lorenz J. Schwachhöfer
From the Jordan product to Riemannian geometries on classical and quantum states
Marzieh Eidi, Amirhossein Farzam, Wilmer Leal, Areejit Samal and Jürgen Jost
Edge-based analysis of networks : curvatures of graphs and hypergraphs
Amirhossein Farzam, Areejit Samal and Jürgen Jost
Degree difference : a simple measure to characterize structural heterogeneity in complex networks
Repository Open Access
Parvaneh Joharinad and Jürgen Jost
Topological representation of the geometry of metric spaces
Jürgen Jost
Biological information
Repository Open Access
Jürgen Jost, Hông Vân Lê and Tat Dat Tran
Differentiation of measures on complete Riemannian manifolds
Wilmer Leal, Eugenio J. Llanos, Andrés Bernal, Guillermo Restrepo, Hoang Duc Luu, Jürgen Jost and Peter F. Stadler
Exploring the hypergraph structure underlying the chemical space
Wilmer Leal, Marzieh Eidi and Jürgen Jost
Ricci curvature of random and empirical directed hypernetworks
Repository Open Access
Hoang Duc Luu and Jürgen Jost
Mathematical modelling and empirical data analysis of the Covid-19 pandemic
Repository Open Access
Hoang Duc Luu and Jürgen Jost
To forecast the spread of the novel coronavirus, we must attend to the quality and consistency of the data
Raffaella Mulas, Christian Kuehn and Jürgen Jost
Coupled dynamics on hypergraphs : master stability of steady states and synchronization
Repository Open Access
Leonardo Novelli, Fatihcan M. Atay, Jürgen Jost and Joseph T. Lizier
Deriving pairwise transfer entropy from network structure and motifs
Repository Open Access
Vasilis K. Oikonomou and Jürgen Jost
Periodic strategies II : generalizations and extensions
Repository Open Access
Guillermo Restrepo and Jürgen Jost
A formal setting for the evolution of chemical knowledge
Repository Open Access
Emil Saucan, Areejit Samal and Jürgen Jost
A simple differential geometry for networks and its generalizations
Repository Open Access
David Tuckett, Lenny Smith, Gerd Gigerenzer and Jürgen Jost
To make good decisions under uncertainty, decision-makers must act creatively to avoid paralysis, while recognizing the possibility of failure
Pau Vilimelis Aceituno, Masud Ehsani and Jürgen Jost
Spiking time-dependent plasticity leads to efficient coding of predictions
Repository Open Access
Ivan P. Yamshchikov, Cyrille Merleau Nono, Igor Samenko and Jürgen Jost
It means more if it sounds good : yet another hypothesis concerning the evolution of polysemous words
Repository Open Access
Renan Assimos and Jürgen Jost
Spherical Bernstein theorems for codimension 1 and 2
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Renan Assimos and Jürgen Jost
The geometry of maximum principles and a Bernstein theorem in codimension 2
Repository Open Access
Qun Chen, Jürgen Jost, Linlin Sun and Miaomiao Zhu
Dirac-harmonic maps between Riemann surfaces
Repository Open Access
Qun Chen, Jürgen Jost, Linlin Sun and Miaomiao Zhu
Estimates for solutions of Dirac equations and an application to a geometric elliptic-parabolic problem
Florio M. Ciaglia, Alberto Ibort, Jürgen Jost and Giuseppe Marmo
Manifolds of classical probability distributions and quantum density operators in infinite dimensions
Marzieh Eidi and Jürgen Jost
Ollivier Ricci curvature of directed hypergraphs
Repository Open Access
XiaoLi Han, Jürgen Jost, Lei Liu and Liang Zhao
Global existence of the harmonic map heat flow into Lorentzian manifolds
Julian Hofrichter, Jürgen Jost and Tat Dat Tran
The geometry of recombination
Repository Open Access
Benjamin Inden and Jürgen Jost
Evolving neural networks to follow trajectories of arbitrary complexity
Repository Open Access
Parvaneh Joharinad and Jürgen Jost
Topology and curvature of metric spaces
Jürgen Jost and Odette Sylvia Yaptieu Djeungue
A generalized discrete Morse-Floer theory
Jürgen Jost
Algebraische Strukturen : eine kurze Einführung
Jürgen Jost, Lei Liu and Miaomiao Zhu
Asymptotic analysis for Dirac-harmonic maps from degenerating spin surfaces and with bounded index
Jürgen Jost
Biologie und Mathematik
Repository Open Access
Jürgen Jost and Timo Ehrig
Boundedly rational strategic interaction and the interplay between complexity and simplification : implications for strategy science
Repository Open Access
Jürgen Jost, Lei Liu and Miaomiao Zhu
Bubbling analysis near the Dirichlet boundary for approximate harmonic maps from surfaces
Jürgen Jost, Lei Liu and Miaomiao Zhu
Correction to: 'Asymptotic analysis for Dirac-harmonic maps from degenerating spin surfaces and with bounded index' [58 (2019) 4, 142]
Repository Open Access
Jürgen Jost, Lei Liu and Miaomiao Zhu
Energy identity for a class of approximate Dirac-harmonic maps from surfaces with boundary
Jürgen Jost, Ruijun Wu and Miaomiao Zhu
Energy quantization for a nonlinear sigma model with critical gravitinos
Jürgen Jost, Enno Keßler, Jürgen Tolksdorf, Ruijun Wu and Miaomiao Zhu
From harmonic maps to the nonlinear supersymmetric sigma model of quantum field theory : at the interface of theoretical physics, Riemannian geometry and nonlinear analysis
Jürgen Jost, Xianqing Li-Jost and Chen Qun
Harmonic maps and their generalizations
Repository Open Access
Jürgen Jost and Raffaella Mulas
Hypergraph Laplace operators for chemical reaction networks
Jürgen Jost and Hoang Xuan Phu
In memory of Eberhard Zeidler : [preface to the special issue]
Jürgen Jost
Kategorientheorie : eine kurze Einführung
Jürgen Jost
Leibniz and the calculus of variations
Jürgen Jost
Leibniz und die moderne Naturwissenschaft
Repository Open Access
Jürgen Jost, Christian Rose and Florentin Münch
Liouville property and non-negative Ollivier curvature on graphs
Repository Open Access
Jürgen Jost, Rostislav Matveev, Jacobus W. Portegies and Christian S. Rodrigues
On the regular representation of measures
Jürgen Jost, Lei Liu and Miaomiao Zhu
Regularity of Dirac-harmonic maps with \(łambda\)-curvature term in higher dimensions
Jürgen Jost
Shing-Tung Yau as a personality creating and shaping the field of geometric analysis
Jürgen Jost
Spektren, Garben, Schemata : eine kurze Einführung
Jürgen Jost, Lei Liu and Miaomiao Zhu
The qualitative behavior at the free boundary for approximate harmonic maps from surfaces
Repository Open Access
Jürgen Jost, Chunqin Zhou and Miaomiao Zhu
The super-Toda system and bubbling of spinors
Repository Open Access
Jürgen Jost, Chunqin Zhou and Miaomiao Zhu
Vanishing Pohozaev constant and removability of singularities
Wilmer Leal, Marzieh Eidi and Jürgen Jost
Curvature-based analysis of directed hypernetworks