
Upcoming Events of this Seminar

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12.12.24 Mira Schedensack (University Leipzig)
Aspects of the Localized Orthogonal Decomposition
05.12.24 Levin Maier (Heidelberg University)
On Mañé's critical value for the two-component Hunter-Saxton system
21.11.24 Tobias Lamm (KIT)
Index estimates for sequences of \(alpha\)-harmonic maps
14.11.24 Pritpal Matharu (The Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden)
Maximum Enstrophy Dissipation in 2D Navier-Stokes Flows in the Limit of Vanishing Viscosity
07.11.24 Jules Pitcho (École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France)
Non-uniqueness and recovery of uniqueness: the transport equation
24.10.24 Johannes Storn (University Leipzig)
Computational Calculus of Variations
29.08.24 Amélie J. Loher (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom)
Local behaviour of solutions to non-local kinetic equations
27.06.24 Davide Ravasini (University Leipzig)
Haar null convex sets
30.05.24 Theodore D. Drivas (Stony Brook University, USA)
The Feynman-Lagerstrom criterion for boundary layers
16.05.24 Malte Kampschulte (University Leipzig)
Variational approaches to dynamical problems in continuum mechanics
18.04.24 Zhuolin Li (MPI MiS, Leipzig)
Regularity in (degenerate) variational problems, and beyond
25.03.24 Patrick Heslin (Maynooth University, Ireland)
Geometry of the generalized SQG equations
25.03.24 Giacomo Maria Leccese (SISSA, Italy)
Existence and Blow-up for Non-Autonomous Scalar Conservation Laws With Viscosity
21.03.24 Xi-Yuan Yin (École Centrale de Lyon, France)
Numerical methods for flow maps and potential applications to mixing and anomalous diffusion
01.02.24 Gregory Seregin (University of Oxford, UK)
Axisymmetric solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations.
25.01.24 Leonard Kreutz (Technical University of Munich)
Finite Crystallization via Stratification
21.12.23 Franca Hoffmann (California Institute of Technology, USA)
Covariance-Modulated Optimal Transport Geometry
14.12.23 Massimo Sorella (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland)
Non Selection Of Vanishing Viscosity Solutions To The Advection Equation And Anomalous Dissipation
09.11.23 Alexey Bufetov (Leipzig University)
Integrable Probability and Partial Differential Equations
26.10.23 Björn Gebhard (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain)
Entropy solutions to macroscopic IPM
19.10.23 Martina Zizza (MPI MiS, Leipzig)
Non-admissibility of spiral-like strategies in Bressan's Fire conjecture
15.06.23 Luca Spolaor
(Quasi-)conformal methods in two-dimensional free boundary problems
11.05.23 André Guerra (ETH Zurich)
The Burkholder function and quasiconformal mappings
27.04.23 Tobias Ried (MPI MiS, Leipzig)
Cwikel’s bound reloaded
20.04.23 Dejan Gajic (ITP, University Leipzig)
Stability and instability of extremal black holes
09.03.23 Francisco Gancedo (University of Seville)
Global-in-time dynamics for Muskat and two-phase Stokes gravity waves
23.02.23 Jan Giesselmann (Technical University of Darmstadt)
The intimate connection between well-posedness theory and a posteriori error estimates for numerical methods on the example of hyperbolic systems
02.02.23 Konstantinos Zemas (University of Münster)
Geometric rigidity estimates in variable domains and applications in dimension reduction
26.01.23 Akram Sharif (Technische Universität Dresden, Germany)
Mathematical foundations of contact interactions in continuum physics
05.01.23 Lutz Kämmerer (Leipzig/Chemnitz)
A dimension-incremental approximation method for bounded orthonormal product bases
01.12.22 Miles Simon (Universität Magdeburg)
Ricci flow of W^{2,2} metrics in four dimensions
01.12.22 Dániel Keliger (University of Technology and Economics Budapest, Hungary)
Universality of small initial conditions in PDE models of epidemics
23.04.20 Jacek Jendrej (CNRS, Paris 13)
Strongly interacting kink-antikink pairs for scalar fields in dimension 1+1
16.05.19 Xian Liao (KIT)
Global regularities of 2D density patch problem for inhomogeneous incompressible viscous flow
09.05.19 Andre Guerra (University of Oxford)
Morrey’s Problem and a Conjecture of Šverák
23.11.17 Matthew Schrecker (University of Oxford)
Global entropy solutions for compressible, isentropic Euler equations with geometric effects
29.06.17 Christian Zillinger (University of Southern California, Los Angeles)
On mixing for circular flows
25.04.13 Nikolay Gusev (SISSA Trieste)
On the tangential set of a nearly incompressible vector field
18.04.13 Elisabetta Chiodaroli (Universität Zürich/Leipzig)
Global ill-posedness of the compressible Euler system of gas dynamics
30.10.12 Scott Armstrong (CNRS, Paris)
Regularity of degenerate elliptic equations in nondivergence form on large scales
16.10.12 José Antonio Carrillo de la Plata (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Blowup and stationary states in aggregation equations
09.10.12 Barbara Niethammer (Universität Bonn, HCM)
Phase transitions in a nonlocal Fokker-Planck equation with multiple time scales
04.09.12 Jean-Christophe Mourrat (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne)
A Probabilistic view on the homogenization of the heat equation
21.08.12 Paul Feehan (MPI MiS, Leipzig + Rutgers University)
C^{1,1} regularity for degenerate-elliptic obstacle problems in mathematical finance
17.07.12 Peter Howard (Texas A&M University, College Station)
Phase-asymptotic stability of transition front solutions in Cahn-Hilliard systems
17.07.12 Chun-Chi Lin (MPI MiS, Leipzig + National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei)
Continuity of two-dimensional weakly stationary-harmonic multiple-valued functions
26.06.12 Oliver Kley (University of Jena)
Entropy of convex hulls and the probability of small balls
29.05.12 Florent Barret (Ecole Polytechnique (Palaiseau))
Transition metastable times for a class of stochastic partial differential equations
22.05.12 Edriss S. Titi (University of California, Irvine)
Is Dispersion a Stabilizing or Destabilizing Mechanism?
22.05.12 Govind Menon (Brown University)
Complete integrability of shock clustering
15.05.12 Artem Sapozhnikov (ETH Zürich)
Random walk on discrete torus and random interlacements
17.04.12 Karl-Theodor Sturm (Universität Bonn)
Optimal Transport from Lebesgue to Poisson
10.04.12 Matteo Focardi (Università degli Studi di Firenze)
Regularity issues for local minimizers of the Mumford-Shah functional in 2D
03.04.12 Lisa Beck (Universität Bonn)
Random perturbations of parabolic systems
13.03.12 Ulrich Menne (MPI für Gravitationsphysik)
Decay estimates for the quadratic tilt-excess of integral varifolds
28.02.12 Matthias Geißert (TU Darmstadt)
A free boundary problem related to the spin-coating process
21.02.12 Yann Bernard (Universität Freiburg)
Energy quantization for the Willmore functional
14.02.12 Laura Spinolo (IMATI-CNR)
Viscous approximation of initial-boundary value problems for systems of conservation laws in one space dimension
07.02.12 Stefan Olla (CEREMADE)
Macroscopic Energy Diffusion in a Chain of An-harmonic Oscillators
31.01.12 Wolfgang Alt (Universität Bonn)
Elementary mechano-chemical models for cell motility and adhesion dynamics
31.01.12 John R. Ockendon (University of Oxford)
Violent Elastic-Plastic Wave Motion
17.01.12 Sabine Attinger (Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research)
Scale dependent coarsening strategies
17.01.12 Camillo De Lellis (Universität Zürich)
Quantitative rigidity estimates
10.01.12 Jens Rademacher (Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica, Amsterdam)
Coherent structures in layered nanomagnets with aligned field
10.01.12 Miguel Escobedo
A BBGKY derivation of the coagulation equation with constant kernel
25.10.11 Mete H. Soner (ETH Zürich)
Risk, Choquet Capacity and PDE's
25.10.11 Nicola Gigli (Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis)
On the interplay between horizontal and vertical derivation
04.10.11 Herbert Koch (Universität Bonn)
Self similar finite energy solutions to the supercritical generalized Korteweg-de-Vries equation
04.10.11 Marta Lewicka (University of Pittsburgh)
Matching properties of isometries and elasticity of thin shells
26.07.11 James Nolen (Duke University)
Homogenization of a level-set equation in periodic and random media
19.07.11 Selim Esedoglu (University of Michigan)
New algorithms for multi-phase flow
06.04.11 Mark Peletier (T U Eindhoven and University of Bath)
Striped patterns and the eikonal equation
29.03.11 Ulisse Stefanelli (WIAS and IMATI - CNR)
Macromodeling of the magnetic shape memory effect
22.03.11 Wilhelm Stannat (TU Darmstadt)
Perspektiven der Stochastischen Analysis in der Bayesschen Statistik
08.02.11 Lorenzo Giacomelli (Sapienza Università di Roma)
An overview on the thin-film equation
08.02.11 Emanuele Spadaro (Universität Bonn)
On Almgren's center manifold: regularity of minimal surfaces without Schauder
01.02.11 Jonathan Ben-Artzi (Brown University)
Linear instability of the Relativistic Vlasov-Maxwell system
25.01.11 Yury Grabovsky (Temple University)
General approach to near-flip buckling of bodies with complex geometry
18.01.11 Jianfeng Lu (Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences)
From electronic structure models to continuum theory
16.11.10 Mathieu Lewin (Université de Cergy-Pontoise, Saint-Martin)
Variational models for infinite quantum systems: example of the crystal with defects
09.11.10 Patrick Dondl (Universität Bonn)
Pinning and depinning of interfaces in random media
19.10.10 Tony Lelievre (Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, CERMICS)
Entropy methods to study molecular dynamics algorithms
27.07.10 Radu Ignat (Université de Paris-Sud, Orsay)
Entropy method for line-energies
27.07.10 Antoine Gloria (Université des Sciences et Technologie de Lille)
Approximation of effective coefficients for the stochastic homogenization of discrete elliptic equations in high dimension.
06.07.10 Giovanni Bellettini (Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata")
Remarks on minimal surfaces in Minkowski space
29.06.10 Michael Westdickenberg (Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta)
The Euler-Poisson system as a second order differential inclusion
29.06.10 Walter Craig (McMaster University, Ontario)
On the size of the Navier-Stokes singular set
15.06.10 Giacomo Di Gesù (Universität Bonn)
Spectral asymptotics of the Witten Laplacian on the lattice
15.06.10 Rupert Frank (Princeton University)
Stability and absence of binding for multi-polaron systems
21.05.10 Volker Elling (University of Michigan)
Existence of algebraic vortex spirals
04.05.10 Bernd Schmidt (TU München)
Minimizing atomic configurations of short range pair potentials in two dimensions: crystallization in the Wulff shape
27.04.10 Tomas Roubicek (Charles University Prague)
Methods of Gamma-convergence in rate-independent systems with applications to solid mechanics
19.11.09 Ramón G. Plaza (Departamento de Matematicas y Mecanica, IIMAS - UNAM, Mexico)
Nonlinear orbital stability of traveling wave solutions to an elasto-chemical model
09.07.09 Oliver C. Schnürer (Institut für Mathematik der Freien Universität Berlin)
Kontrahierende Flüsse
07.07.09 Hao Wu (Weierstrass Institute Berlin)
Convergence to equilibrium for parabolic-hyperbolic time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau-Maxwell equations
02.07.09 Georg S. Weiss (University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences)
Die Geometrie zweidimensionaler Wasserwellen
16.06.09 Jan Metzger (Max-Planck-Institut für Gravitationsphysik)
Foliation of asymptotically flat manifolds by surfaces of Willmore type
16.06.09 Regis Monneau (CERMICS - ENPC)
Homogenization of Frenkel-Kontorova models and dislocation dynamics
11.06.09 Horst Heck (Fachbereich Mathematik der Technischen Universität Darmstadt))
Nichtlineare Modelle: von Strömungsmechanik bis hin zur Parameteridentifizierung
26.05.09 Francois Hamel (Universite Aix-Marseille III (Paul Cezanne) and Helmholtz Zentrum München)
Spreading speeds for reaction-diffusion equations in unbounded domains
19.05.09 John McCuan (Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta)
Archimedes' Principle and Capillarity
05.05.09 Roger Moser (University of Bath)
Ginzburg-Landau vortices driven by the Landau-Lifshitz equation
21.04.09 Alessio Figalli (Centre de Mathematique Laurent Schwartz, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris)
Stability problems for crystals
21.04.09 Giuseppe Savare (Universita di Pavia)
Gradient flows and rate independent problems
27.01.09 Christoph Walker (Universität Hannover, Germany)
Age-dependent equations with nonlinear diffusion
27.01.09 Rene Schilling (TU Dresden, Germany)
On a ratio limit theorem for Levy processes
25.11.08 Oliver Schnürer (FU Berlin)
Stability of noncompact manifolds
25.11.08 Alan Rendall (MPI für Gravitationsphysik)
Analysis of an equation describing large-scale structure formation
15.07.08 Dirk Hundertmark (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Mathematical challenges from non-linear fiber optics
15.07.08 Frédéric Legoll (ENPC)
Finite temperature coarse-graining of one-dimensional atomistic systems: some simple cases
27.05.08 Otmar Scherzer (University of Innsbruck)
Some convex and nonconvex variational principles for image processing
27.05.08 Bernd Schmidt (TU München)
Linear Gamma-limits of multiwell energies in nonlinear elasticity theory
06.05.08 Reinhard Farwig (TU Darmstadt)
$L^q$-Theory of Navier-Stokes Flows in General Unbounded Domains
08.04.08 Antoine Gloria (Universität Bonn)
On a discrete model for rubber and its continuous limit
15.01.08 Georg Dolzmann (Universität Regensburg)
Infinite-order laminates in a model in crystal plasticity
15.01.08 Anders Szepessy (KTH Stockholm)
Langevin molecular dynamics derived from Ehrenfest dynamics
04.12.07 Giuseppe Savare (Universita degli Studi di Pavia)
Generation of gradient flows in metric spaces with lower curvature bounds
04.12.07 Andrea Braides (Università di Roma `Tor Vergata')
Motion and pinning of discrete interfaces
13.11.07 Michalis Kontovourkis (MPI MiS, Leipzig)
A regularity result for elliptic equations with low-regularity divergence-free coefficients
13.11.07 Tobias Lamm (MPI für Gravitationsphysik)
Conservation laws for fourth order systems
09.10.07 Emanuele Spadaro (Universität Zürich)
Non-Uniqueness of Minimizers for Strict Polyconvex Functionals
09.10.07 Arghir Dani Zarnescu (Mathematical Institute, Oxford)
Orientable and non-orientable director fields for liquid crystals
03.07.07 Piotr Hajlasz (University of Pittsburgh)
Sobolev mappings between manifolds and metric spaces
03.07.07 Roger Moser (University of Bath)
Variational aspects of biharmonic maps
19.06.07 Maria Schonbek (UC Santa Cruz)
Decay of polymer equations and Poincare estiamtes
17.04.07 Hans Knüpfer (Universität Bonn)
Classical solutions for a thin film equation
30.01.07 Yoshihiro Tonegawa (Hokkaido University)
Various Mathematical Questions Arising in Phase Separation Problem
30.01.07 Herbert Amann (Universität Zürich)
Diffusion methods in image processing
16.01.07 Nicolas Burq (Universite Paris-Sud 11)
Global existence for energy critical wave equations in 3-d domains
12.12.06 Michael Struwe (ETH Zürich)
Partial regularity for harmonic maps, revisited
28.11.06 Matthias Röger (MPI MiS, Leipzig)
On a modified conjecture of De Giorgi
28.11.06 Adriana Garroni (Universita` di Roma "La Sapienza")
Variational models for plasticity by homogenization of discrete dislocations
07.11.06 Pavel Plotnikov (Novosibirsk State University)
Stationary boundary value problems for 3D compressible Navier-Stokes equations for di-atomic gases
27.06.06 Patrick Gerard (Université Paris-Sud 11)
Nonlinear Schroedinger equations on spheres
27.06.06 Joel Smoller (University of Michigan)
Rotating fluids with self-gravitation in bounded domains
02.05.06 Mariel Saez (MPI für Gravitationsphysik, Albert-Einstein-Institut)
Relaxation of the curve shortening flow on the plane via the parabolic Ginzburg-Landau equation
24.01.06 Petri Juutinen (University of Jyväskylä)
On the evolution governed by the infinity Laplacian
24.01.06 Charles Döring (University of Michigan)
Stirring up trouble: Multi-scale measures of mixing for steady scalar sources
06.12.05 Jan Maly (Charles University Prague)
Inversion of mappings
29.11.05 Guido Schneider (Universität Karlsruhe)
Justification of the Nonlinear Schrdinger equation for the evolution of gravity driven 2D surface water waves
29.11.05 Hideo Kozono (Tohoku University)
Helmholtz-Weyl decomposition in $L^r$ via $rot$ and $div$
08.11.05 Camillo De Lellis (Universität Zürich)
Transport equations and hyperbolic systems of conservation laws
25.10.05 Reza Pakzad (MPI MiS, Leipzig)
Sobolev isometric immersions between Riemannian manifolds
25.10.05 Leon Simon (Stanford University)
The Symmetric Minimal Surface Equation
28.06.05 Bernd Kirchheim (Oxford University)
On the structure of universal singular sets for Tonelli minimisers
28.06.05 Regis Monneau (CERMICS - ENPC)
An introduction to dislocation dynamics and recent results
07.06.05 Daniel Spirn (University of Minnesota)
Refined Jacobian estimates and the Gross-Pitaevsky equations
07.06.05 Etienne Sandier (Université Paris 12)
Limiting vorticities in superconductivity
24.05.05 Ivan Veselic (Technische Universität Chemnitz)
Bounds on the spectral shift function and the density of state
10.05.05 Jon Johnsen (Aalborg University)
Parametrices of semi-linear elliptic boundary problems
26.04.05 Georg Weiss (University of Tokyo)
Unstable Free Boundary Problems in Solid Combustion
26.04.05 Björn Sandstede (University of Surrey)
Interaction of coherent structures
05.04.05 Herbert Koch (Universität Dortmund)
On optimal regularity of free boundary problems and a conjecture of De Giorgi
05.04.05 Bob Pego (Carnegie Mellon University)
Divorcing pressure from viscosity in incompressible Navier-Stokes dynamics
25.01.05 Klaus Ecker (FU Berlin)
Monotone quantities for some nonlinear evolution equations
25.01.05 Felix Finster (Universität Regensburg)
A discrete variational principle in space-time
11.01.05 Giovanni Bellettini (Università di Roma "Tor Vergata")
Some results on gradient flows of nonconvex functionals in one dimension
11.01.05 Wolfgang Reichel (Universität Basel)
Electrostatic characterization of spheres
07.12.04 Günther Grün (Universität Bonn)
Optimal lower bounds on waiting time for degenerate parabolic equations and systems
07.12.04 Bernd Kawohl (Universität zu Köln)
Geometry beyond limits
29.11.04 Boukricha Abderrahman (Faculty of Sciences Tunis, Tunisia)
Potential Theory for semilinear PDEs (with applications to the Ginsburg-Landau Equation)
29.11.04 Volker Metz (Universität Bielefeld)
Self-similar energies on self-similar graphs and sets
02.11.04 Errico Presutti (Università di Roma "Tor Vergata")
On the optimal way to displace a stationary front
19.10.04 Myriam Lecumberry
"Sobolev-Poincare type" inequalities for kinetic equations
19.10.04 Anna De Masi (Università di L'Aquila)
On the tunnelling phenomenon in non local evolutions
29.06.04 Hyung Ju Hwang (MPI MiS, Leipzig + Duke University)
Regularity for the Vlasov-Poisson system in a convex domain
08.06.04 Pavol Quittner (Universität Gießen)
Complete blow-up for superlinear indefinite parabolic problems
08.06.04 Charlie Elliott (University of Sussex)
Fully discrete second order splitting methods for spatially fourth order evolutionary problems
18.05.04 Amandine Aftalion (Université Paris VI)
Vortices in rotating Bose Einstein condensates
18.05.04 Jerry Marsden (California Institute of Technology)
Euler-Poincare Equations: Fluids, Waves, and Vision
04.05.04 Jonathan Bevan (Mathematical Institute, Oxford)
Towards counterexamples to regularity in low dimensions
04.05.04 Mark Peletier (Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica, Amsterdam)
Twisting a rod around a cylinder: a nonlocal contact problem
20.04.04 Patrizio Neff (Technische Universität Darmstadt)
A Geometrically Exact Cosserat Model Including Sharp Interfaces And Fracture
20.04.04 Ana Carpio (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Discrete traveling waves: Defects in crystals
13.01.04 Miroslav Silhavy (Czech Academy of Science)
Zeroes of the polyconvex hull of powers of the distance and s-polyconvexity
13.01.04 Peter Imkeller (HU Berlin)
A mathematical approach of stochastic resonance
16.12.03 Pekka Koskela (University of Jyvaskyla)
Discreteness and openness for mappings of finite distortion
16.12.03 Eva Matouskova (Johannes Kepler University of Linz)
Almost isometries of balls
11.11.03 Stefan Teufel (TU München, Germany)
Adiabtic perturbation theory in quantum dynamics
11.11.03 Pavel Brunovský (Slovakia)
On the Morse-Smale property for damped hyperbolic equations
28.10.03 Michael Westdickenberg (Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, Germany)
Convergence of thin film approximation for a scalar conservation law
28.10.03 Miguel Escobedo Martínez
Dirac mass formation in kinetic equations for quantum particles
15.07.03 Matthias Roeger (Universität Bonn)
Solutions to the Stefan problem with Gibbs-Thomson law by a local minimization
15.07.03 François Golse (Université Paris VII)