
Upcoming Events of this Seminar

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21.01.25 Claudio Llosa Isenrich (KIT Karlsruhe)
Profinite rigidity of Kähler groups
21.01.25 Valdo Tatitscheff (Universität Heidelberg)
Comments on cluster integrable systems
14.01.25 Julia Slipantschuk (University of Bayreuth)
Resonances for Anosov diffeomorphisms on the torus
14.01.25 Ioannis Iakovoglou (ENS Lyon, France)
Classifying Anosov flows in dimension 3 by geometric types
Please note the change of room.
17.12.24 Pierre-Louis Blayac (Université de Strasbourg)
The Teichmüller space is distorted in the Hitchin spaces
17.12.24 Alexander Thomas (Université de Lyon 1)
Deformed Virasoro algebra from Feigin-Fuks construction
10.12.24 Anna Felikson (Durham University and Max Planck Institute for Mathematics)
Hyperbolic geometry of friezes
10.12.24 Boris Springborn (TU Berlin)
The hyperbolic geometry of numbers
03.12.24 Kaitao Xie (The University of Hong Kong)
Theta Positivity in Langrangian Grassmannian
03.12.24 Nikita Safonkin (Leipzig University)
Double Poisson brackets and involutive representation spaces
26.11.24 David Xu (Université Paris Saclay, France)
Convex-cocompact representations of finitely generated groups into the isometry group of the infinite-dimensional hyperbolic space.
26.11.24 Jianrong Li (University of Vienna)
Cluster structures on spinor helicity and momentum twistor varieties
19.11.24 Andrea Seppi (Università di Torino, Italy)
Topology of convex projective four-manifolds
19.11.24 Christian El-Emam (University of Turin)
On a Bers Theorem for the SL(3,R)-Hitchin component and on its pseudo-Kähler structure
12.11.24 Xiaohan Yan (Université Paris Cité)
Quantum K-theory of flag varieties
12.11.24 Alexander Bobenko (TU Berlin)
Discrete conformality and beyond. Where geometry meets computer graphics and mathematical physics.
05.11.24 Benjamin Delarue (Paderborn University)
Axiom A flows for Anosov representations
05.11.24 Roméo Troubat (Université de Strasbourg)
Global hyperbolicity in higher signatures
29.10.24 James Farre (MPI MiS, Leipzig)
Geometry of Hyperconvex representations
29.10.24 Mingkun Liu (Sorbonne Paris North University)
Length spectra of random metric map of large genus: a Teichmüller approach.
22.10.24 Magali Jay (MPI MiS, Leipzig)
Tiling billiards and interval exchange transformations
22.10.24 Samuel Bronstein (MPI MiS, Leipzig)
Almost-Fuchsian representations and holomorphic immersions in complex hyperbolic space
22.10.24 Alex Moriani (University of Nice Cote d'Azur)
Polygonal surfaces in pseudo-hyperbolic spaces
15.10.24 Stephan Stadler (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics)
Isoperimetric gaps in CAT(0) spaces
15.10.24 Arnaud Maret (Sorbonne Université Paris, France)
Finite mapping class group orbits on character varieties
01.10.24 Claudio Meneses (Kiel University, Germany)
Analytic invariants for stability variations on moduli of parabolic bundles
23.07.24 Leonid Ryvkin (Université Lyon 1, France)
Universal central extensions of the Lie algebra of volume- preserving vector fields
23.07.24 Motiejus Valiunas (University of Wrocław)
Free-by-cyclic groups are equationally Noetherian
09.07.24 Hans-Bert Rademacher (Leipzig University)
Closed geodesics and orthogonal geodesic chords without self-intersections
02.07.24 Aaron Calderon (University of Chicago)
Curve graphs for flat surfaces
02.07.24 Hector Jardon Sanchez (Leipzig University)
Geometric obstructions to measured Property (T)
25.06.24 Eugen Rogozinnikov (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences)
Non-commutative (quasi-)Poisson structure for marked surfaces
13.06.24 Helge Frerichs (Augsburg University)
Scalar curvature deformations with non-compact boundaries
11.06.24 Florestan Martin-Baillon (University of Rennes)
Random dynamics on character varieties
11.06.24 Alan Pinoy (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)
At the boundary of asymptotically complex hyperbolic manifolds
04.06.24 Bill Goldman (University of Maryland)
Dynamical systems arising from the classification of geometric structures
04.06.24 Adam Chalumeau (University of Strasbourg)
Proper divisible domains of the Einstein universe
28.05.24 Nick Ovenhouse (Yale University)
Networks and Noncommutative Integrable Systems
28.05.24 Colin Davalo (University of Heidelberg)
Fibrations by pencils of quadrics and maximal representations
21.05.24 Leonid Chekhov (Michigan State Uiversity)
Cluster algebras: geometry of Riemann surfaces and symplectic groupoid
14.05.24 Celia Hacker (MPI MiS, Leipzig)
Simplicial Representation Learning with Neural k-Forms
14.05.24 Leonid Chekhov (Michigan State Uiversity)
Cluster algebras: geometry of Riemann surfaces and symplectic groupoid
07.05.24 Jean-Philippe Burelle (University of Sherbrooke)
Fundamental domains in photon space
07.05.24 Rachel Skipper (University of Utah)
Braiding groups of homeomorphisms of the Cantor set
30.04.24 Judith Brinkschulte (Leipzig University)
Dynamical aspects of holomorphic foliations with ample normal bundle
30.04.24 Anja Randecker (Heidelberg University)
Topological behaviour of conjugacy classes of big mapping class groups
23.04.24 Freya Jensen (University of Heidelberg)
Distributed Persistent Homology for 2D Alpha Complexes
23.04.24 Naomi Bredon (University of Fribourg)
On the classification of hyperbolic Coxeter polyhedra
16.04.24 Sam Panitch (Yale University)
3d Quantum Trace Map
16.04.24 John Wilson (MPI MiS, Leipzig + University of Oxford)
Profinite Groups with Few Conjugacy Classes
09.04.24 Paul Norbury (University of Melbourne, Australia)
Measures on the moduli space of curves and super volumes.
09.04.24 Selim Ghazouani (University College London)
Real affine structures on surfaces, moduli spaces and dynamics
02.04.24 Stefan Suhr (Bochum University)
The Theorem of Lusternik&Schnirelmann for reversible Finsler metrics
02.04.24 Boris Apanasov (University of Oklahoma)
Rigidity of locally Hermitian symmetric rank one manifolds of infinite volume
26.03.24 Jeff Phillips (University of Utah)
Coresets for Integral Probability Metrics
26.03.24 Érika Roldán (MPI MiS, Leipzig)
Topology and Geometry of Random Cubical Complexes
Attention: this event is cancelled
19.03.24 Xian Dai (Ruhr University Bochum)
Best Lipschitz maps in variable negatively curved manifolds
19.03.24 Tianqi Wang (École Normale Supérieure (Paris)/National University of Singapore)
Extended positive representations
18.03.24 Arielle Leitner (Afeka College of Engineering)
Chabauty Limits of Subgroups in SL(n, Qp)
12.03.24 Kenneth Blakey (MIT)
The Lagrangian PSS stable homotopy equivalence
12.03.24 Nicolas Vaskou (University of Bristol)
Artin groups and quasi-isometric rigidity
06.03.24 Suzanne Schlich (Université Grenoble Alpes Institut Fourier)
Primitive-stable and Bowditch actions on hyperbolic spaces
06.03.24 Rym Smai (IRMA-University of Strasbourg)
Enveloping space of a globally hyperbolic conformally flat spacetime
27.02.24 Antoine Ablondi (École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France, + MPI MiS, Leipzig)
The Equivariant Affine Minkowski Problem
27.02.24 Martin Blufstein (University of Copenhagen)
Artin groups and systolic-by-function complexes
20.02.24 Xenia Flamm (ETH Zürich)
Hitchin representations over real closed fields
20.02.24 Laura Lankers (MPI MiS, Leipzig)
Cauchy hypersurfaces, cosmological time and crowns in GH-regular domains in Anti-de Sitter space
16.02.24 Karin Melnick (Universite du Luxembourg)
Compact, Lorentzian conformally flat manifolds
06.02.24 Claudio Llosa Isenrich (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Finiteness properties of coabelian subgroups of hyperbolic groups
06.02.24 Thi Dang (Laboratoire de Mathématique d’Orsay)
Equidistribution of Periodic Tori
02.02.24 Laura Wakelin (MPI for Mathematics)
Characterising slopes for knots of hyperbolic type
30.01.24 León Carvajales (Universidad de la República Uruguay)
Domains of discontinuity for Anosov representations
30.01.24 Andrea Guidolin (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)
Computing relative Betti diagrams of persistence modules over finite posets using Koszul complexes
23.01.24 Christian Weiß (Hochschule Ruhr West)
Real and p-adic equidistribution
23.01.24 Bei Wang Phillips (University of Utah, USA + MPI MiS, Leipzig)
Reeb Graphs and Their Measure Theoretic Variants: Theory and Applications
16.01.24 Gabriele Viaggi (Università di Roma La Sapienza)
Length bounds for hyperbolic Heegaard splittings
16.01.24 Felix Pogorzelski (University of Leipzig)
Entropy equipartition along almost geodesics in negatively curved groups
09.01.24 Julien Boulanger (Institut Fourier, Grenoble)
Algebraic intersection on Veech surfaces
09.01.24 Andrea Bianchi (MPI for Mathematics)
Mapping class group actions on the homology of configuration spaces of surfaces
19.12.23 Ilia Smilga (University of Oxford)
Properness criteria for affine actions of Anosov groups
19.12.23 Magali Jay (Universite Aix-Marseille)
Tiling billiards and interval exchange transformations with flips
18.12.23 Alexander Thomas (Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg)
Fock bundles and the Hitchin component
12.12.23 Zhenghao Rao (Brown University)
Surface Subgroups of Cocompact Kleinian Groups
12.12.23 Daniel Spitz (MPI MiS, Leipzig)
Persistent homology for detecting the dynamics of topological defects
12.12.23 Bernhard Reinke (MPI MiS, Leipzig)
Dynamical approximations of postsingularly finite entire maps
05.12.23 Eduardo Reyes (University of California, Berkeley)
Approximating hyperbolic lattices by cubulations
05.12.23 Nathaniel Sagman (University of Luxembourg)
Minimal surfaces in symmetric spaces
28.11.23 Sami Douba (IHES)
On Shalen’s method for combining linear groups
28.11.23 Martin Bobb (MPI MiS, Leipzig)
The Torelli group and reducible representations to PSL(2,R)
28.11.23 Mitul Islam (MPI MiS, Leipzig)
Rigidity of lattice actions on boundaries
28.11.23 Merik Niemeyer (MPI MiS, Leipzig)
Non-commutative cluster algebras of generalized surface type
21.11.23 Tommaso Cremaschi (University of Luxembourg)
Big and small surfaces and Nielsen-Thurston classification problems
21.11.23 Diaaeldin Taha (MPI MiS, Leipzig)
Graph Representation Learning Beyond Hyperbolic Geometry
21.11.23 Enya Hsiao (MPI MiS, Leipzig)
Hecke transformation on the Higgs moduli space
21.11.23 Irina Bobrova (MPI MiS, Leipzig)
Non-Abelian Painleve equations and related monodromy surfaces
02.11.23 Ilya Gekhtman (Technion)
Stationary random subgroups and injectivity radius of hyperbolic manifolds
24.10.23 Max Riestenberg (MPI MiS, Leipzig)
Dirichlet-Selberg domains for Anosov subgroups
24.10.23 Fernando Camacho Cadena (MPI MiS, Leipzig)
Hamiltonian flows on character varieties
24.10.23 James Farre (MPI MiS, Leipzig)
Horocycles, lipschitz maps, and laminations
24.10.23 Zack Greenberg (MPI MiS, Leipzig)
Cluster algebras and Anosov representations
24.10.23 Konstantinos Tsouvalas (MPI MiS, Leipzig)
On regular subgroups of SL_3(R)
19.10.23 Pengfei Huang (MPI MiS, Leipzig)
Twisted wild character varieties
19.10.23 Fernando Al Assal (MPI MiS, Leipzig)
Limits of asymptotically Fuchsian surfaces in a closed hyperbolic 3-manifold
19.10.23 Martin Mion-Mouton (MPI MiS, Leipzig)
Regularity of invariant distributions and rigidity of partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms
19.10.23 Teddy Weisman (MPI MiS, Leipzig)
Anosov representations of cubulated hyperbolic groups
19.10.23 Mireille Soergel (MPI MiS, Leipzig)
An introduction to Dyer groups
10.10.23 Daniel Douglas (MPI MiS, Leipzig)
Quantum higher Teichmüller theory
10.10.23 Jiajun Shi (MPI MiS, Leipzig)
Generalization of Thurston's asymmetric metric
10.10.23 Francesca Tombari (MPI MiS, Leipzig)
A topological model for (partial) equivariance in deep learning
10.10.23 Samantha Fairchild (MPI MiS, Leipzig)
The transcendental divide: from Riemann Surfaces to Algebraic Curves
10.10.23 Filippo Mazzoli (MPI MiS, Leipzig)
Pleated surfaces in higher rank
26.09.23 Johannes Schwab (Goethe University Frankfurt)
Compactification of linear manifolds and applications
26.09.23 Felix Günther (TU Berlin)
Exploring Convergence and Symmetry of Discrete Period Matrices
19.09.23 Anthony Sanchez (University of California San Diego)
Effective equidistribution of large dimensional measures on the moduli space of translation surfaces
22.10.19 Cheng-bo Zhu (National University of Singapore)
From invariant polynomials to invariant distributions
11.07.19 Enno Keßler (Center of Mathematical Sciences and Applications, Harvard University, USA)
Super J-holomorphic curves
25.01.18 Christian Rose (TU Chemnitz, Germany)
Heat kernels and integral Ricci curvature bounds
25.01.18 Florentin Münch (Universität Potsdam, Germany)
Perpetual cutoff method and discrete Ricci curvature
23.01.18 Wei Zhang (Universität Hannover, Germany)
Asymptotics for Fully Nonlinear Equations with Isolated Singularities
23.01.18 Daniel Luckhardt (Universität Augsburg, Germany)
Benjamini-Schramm convergence of normalized characteristic numbers
07.12.09 Léonard Todjihounde (Institut de Mathématiques et de Sciences Physiques, Porto-Novo, Bénin, & MPI MiS Leipzig)
Non-geodesic biharmonic curves in four-dimensional Damek- Ricci spaces
24.10.07 Georges Habib (MPI MiS Leipzig)
New lower bound for eigenvalues of the Dirac operator